Monday, 28 March 2011

An important feature of development ...

An important feature of development ...

An important feature of development MedIT as is its focus on standards in telecommunications, software and hardware. This leads to the interchangeability of equipment and significantly reduce its cost, to be closer to the price of consumer electronics. The article was published in the magazine's doctor

The model of public health in Russia

SF Bagnenko - Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Emergency Care im.I.I.Dzhanelidze, corresponding member of RAMS. St. Petersburg. LA Mikhailov - Secretary General of the Russian Medical Society. Moscow; VA Fedotov - Executive Secretary of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the Russian Medical Society. St. Petersburg. The term "public health" ("Model Public Health") - a relatively new phenomenon for Russia, while health workers in most developed countries do not represent the other terms of the execution of their profession. The Western model of public health in a simplified form is presented as a variant of social contract between government (state regulators: ministries, departments, etc.) and professional medical community (non-governmental regulator: associations, chambers of commerce, guilds, etc.) on the division of powers (rights, duties and responsibilities) on the key issues of medical support of the population [13]. Despite the fact that the mechanisms and levels of separation of powers, the order of interaction, institutional forms of public and private regulators in the health sector in different countries have their own historical and national features, all of them are united by a common approach to the execution of doctors and nurses to their profession: professional medical activities (at least on such aspects as its standards, higher and postgraduate continuing education, certification and / or certification, corporate ethics, professional liability insurance) is regulated by professional associations, medical professionals, enterprise-wide (cross-cutting) issues at the level of territorial units (land, region, province, state) are governed by territorial medical associations (eg, Florida Medical Association, Inc.), and at the State level - national medical associations (eg, Bundesarztekammer). When the design industry regulation state controller performs representational, oversight and control and approval functions, and, as a rule, not in isolation but in interaction and / or direct participation of the various structures (committees, commissions) of professional medical associations. Health care worker (doctor, nurse) when receiving the certificate (certificate) issued by professional medical associations, acquire the right to self-fulfillment chosen profession, and the state (gosregulyator) shall ensure the implementation of this law by issuing him a license.

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