Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tea with fruit, berries, flowers and herbs

Tea with fruit, berries, flowers and herbs

Fashion-based drinks tea with the addition of fruit, berry, floral and herbal taste and smell - a new life habitual tea or bare chemistry? Together with Gennady Shatrova, Ph.D., head of the laboratory and hygienic studies of food additives Institute of Nutrition, we drank 4 cups of tea and have learned many interesting things about this drink. On sale is a regular tea with the taste and aroma of various fruits, berries or herbs and pure fruit and herbal drinks. Price of course depends on the quality flavoring additive used by the manufacturer. Special benefit from the addition of a tea factory aromatic extracts do not. Recommendations for use of such drinks are exactly the same as for a black or green tea, on the basis of which they are made. It is quite another when it comes to fees and blends of tea with berries, fruit or herbal teas or packaged with natural additives. For these drinks are special rules, it is not the usual drink, but almost a medicine (eg, tea with lime, chamomile, or hunters), and drink it in large numbers without much need not be. Additives in the tea helps the weakened body to cope with frequent colds. Autumn and winter, when a man is not enough vitamins and minerals to maintain the immune system, this lack of make up all sorts of herbs and dried berries. For an average strip of Russia is raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, cherries, linden, rose hips, rowan ... They have a bracing effect. Every 2-3 days alternate teas with different additives: it helps you to avoid vitamin deficiency. Detail about this in the printed journal. Asya ZLAKAZOVA Source: magazine "Health" № November 2004 on the site http://www.zdr.ru/zdr_olife0411a7.php

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