According to physiological norms should consume 48 kg of apples per year, 40% of them - in processed form, mainly in the form of juices. In apples contain almost all the body needs minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, rich in iron) and vitamins (C, E, carotene, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid) in easily digestible form and in optimal for human combinations. British scientists conducted studies have shown that people who regularly consume apples, lung function better than those who do not eat apples, and the risk of developing respiratory diseases such as asthma, they are significantly lower. Doctors explain the similar effect of apples by the presence of antioxidants that protect the lungs from the effect of tobacco smoke and other contaminants present in the air. Therefore, smokers should have a lot of apples. Contained in apples pectin absorbs cholesterol (the main culprit of atherosclerosis). Apple juice is good strengthens the cardiovascular system and is useful for people of intellectual labor. Atherosclerosis and hypertension for the prevention of coronary heart disease is recommended to eat an hour before breakfast 2 Antonov apples. European scientists have found that 1-2 apples a day in addition to the usual diet may reduce the risk of premature death from heart disease by 20%. Other studies have shown that flavonoids (major source is the onion) and polyphenols contained in apples have anti-tumor effect and the associated hazardous free radicals. These substances have even a much greater antioxidant properties than those contained in apples vitamin C. Apples improve digestion and intestinal microflora. When used with a diet of apples and the treatment and prevention to keep in mind that depending on the evidence necessary to select suitable varieties of apples. Gastritis, colitis, psoriasis (a violation of movements) bile duct with low acidity of gastric juice recommend fresh sour-sweet apples. Pulp of the apples should be eaten in the morning instead of breakfast and nothing else to eat or drink for 4-5 hours (to avoid the formation of gases, which will only reinforce the disease). Such treatment should be continued daily for a month. In acute colitis and chronic colitis, mild to moderate appoint mashed sweet apples to 1,5-2 kg per day in 5-6 doses over two days. Grated apple pulp to be eaten right away, because it quickly turn sour and black. In seeds of apples contain a lot of iodine, so apples are best eaten with seeds, 5-6 apple seeds contain the daily requirement of iodine. Content in apples much iron makes them indispensable for the treatment of anemia: a day should eat 400-600, the Apples of low-calorie, they reduce the digestion of fats, have a slight diuretic effect, but they contain fiber gives a feeling of fullness, so they are willing to use people wishing to lose weight. To do this, arrange fasting "apple days": 1,5-2 kg of apples in 5-6 receptions. Such days are also useful in hypertension. Apples are best eaten raw, as if their cooking (heat) treatment lost 70% of flavonoids. The main nutrients are in apple peel and just below it, so, if possible, do not clean the apples before serving. In green apples vitamin C than in the red. Thus, no wonder the English have a proverb: «An apple a day keeps the doctor away» - «Apple - on the day and the doctor is not needed, only to be precise, the first part of the proverb must be replaced by" two or three apples - on the day. " Eat more apples a healthy person does not need.
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