Bran - waste generated in the process of grinding wheat. In the human diet, they appeared relatively recently. Related to this product most people are still quite skeptical. How, then, a product that until recently was mainly used in animal production, appeared at our table? In the bran is high in fiber, so necessary to our intestines. Vegetable fibers poorly digested, and intestine using them as an adsorbent. Adsorption of water, in turn, helps to increase stool in the intestine, which reduces the likelihood of constipation. In addition, fiber stimulates and other processes - reduces blood cholesterol by binding bile acids in the intestine, which have carcinogenic properties. Bran have in their composition necessary for a person B vitamins, including B1, B2, B6, PP, etc. In addition, there is a precursor of vitamin A or carotene, and vitamin E. The bran many trace elements: magnesium, potassium, chromium, copper, zinc, selenium, copper and others. Due to its composition bran are a unique dietary product. It is useful to all We have listed many advantages of this product. Now let's say about who he is useful and who should not be included in the bran diet. So - bran useful to everyone. They can be used as a preventive tool, necessary for normal functioning of the intestine, lowering blood cholesterol levels, treatment of the digestive tract of toxins and wastes. Bran is also useful because they contribute to appetite suppression and weight loss. In addition, they improve the overall health and resistance to disease. Eating bran has a beneficial effect on the work of all the digestive organs. They are especially useful for people suffering from dyskinesia atony and intestinal or gall bladder, bile stasis, constipation. Scientists argue that regular users will intensify bran removing toxins from the gut micro-organisms, heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury) as well as cholesterol. The high content of microelements in the bran and various vitamins, helps reduce blood sugar levels of diabetics, normalize blood pressure, reduce the degree of obesity. But restrictions still there! Bran is not recommended for acute course of gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enteritis, and infectious nature. With the expiring of the inflammatory process taking bran can be resumed, starting with small doses. Crackers do not want? Frankly, the exquisite taste of bran will not name, but particularly nasty in them nothing. And for those who abide by a diet or permanently restricts calorie food - this is a great option. Low fat and very healthy breakfast. You do not want to close the evening for supper? In this case, bran - this is your product. A glass of yogurt or yogurt with bran will help to cope with feelings of hunger. There is a bran-like corn flakes - they can serve as a snack or in place of ordinary bread at dinner. Well, and Gourmet - with a variety of additives, sweetened, for example. With such crackers you can drink tea. Thus, the product is useful and quite diet. It should also say that the bran is fermented (Rekitsen RD) and the usual - this is not the same thing. Ordinary bran are used as raw material for production of fermented. Fermented, unlike conventional possess: · much more enterosorbtsionnoy activity or property to bind in the intestines and remove toxins from the body; · immunomodulatory properties, the ability to stimulate production of interferon in the body, as well as immunoglobulin A · anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to decrease 10 times the concentration in the blood interleukin 1beta - the main proinflammatory cytokine · ability to restore the intestinal microflora in the case of dysbiosis, ie bifidobacteria and lactogenic effect · antidiabetic activity or the ability to significantly reduce the amount of sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes · pronounced anti-allergic properties, etc.
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