American scientists found that drugs that reduce blood cholesterol levels can slow the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the body. According to researchers, HIV is spreading in the human body by blood cells and to keep on their surface, the virus needs cholesterol "platform." The study, published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, show that the release of cells from cholesterol can significantly reduce HIV infection rates. We also know that American physicians have long been recommended to control blood cholesterol levels from childhood to promptly begin the prevention of heart disease. Researchers from the British Royal College of Medicine, showed the effect of cholesterol on the "premature aging" of man. Thus, high cholesterol is bad for all people, and the cholesterol-charged almost all the deadly sins: from obesity to heart disease, as it turned out, AIDS. So, perhaps, take up cholesterol seriously and destroy him once and for all? It turns out that in the case of cholesterol every cloud has a silver lining. Recall that the cholesterol - is an organic substance contained in most plant and animal organisms. Scientifically speaking, the polycyclic alcohol. This substance is necessary for the body to produce hormones and vitamin D and helps digest fats that we get from food. Every cell in the mammalian body contains cholesterol and need it. Most experts say that the metabolism of cholesterol in the human body entails many serious diseases. Dr. Frank Pfriger of the Max-Delbruck-Center (Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin) believes that "cholesterol in large quantities is required in order to create nerve cells could communicate with each other. Disturbances in the process of cholesterol in the brain can cause damage to his functioning . That is, the lack of cholesterol can lead to mental retardation. Meanwhile, U.S. investigators are seeking the best barrier to HIV in blood cells. One of the formulations used in the laboratory removes cholesterol from the cell surface. Other - stopped production itself of cholesterol. The cumulative combination of these methods is almost completely blocked the spread of the virus. While tests were performed only in test tubes (clinical trials involving patients still being prepared), but the project participants have carefully note that commonly used drugs for cholesterol can be a powerful weapon against the "plague of the 20 th century." Does not cause such a violent struggle with cholesterol in serious consequences for humanity? Can the prevention of AIDS "require" such "victims" as violations of brain function in individuals? Do we not get a new "plague of the century", "victory" cholesterol?
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