Monday, 18 April 2011

Dairy products

Dairy products

Milk is sometimes called the first product in Diet, stressing its role in clinical nutrition. History of milk as a product and medicinal leaves in ancient times. Long before our era, the Egyptians used the milk in the food, as well as for the treatment of various diseases. The famous Avicenna, who lived over a thousand years ago, believed dairy products the best food for the elderly. Medicinal properties of milk are widely used in medical science and practice. So, in the XIX century. St. Petersburg doctor FY Carell described the experience of the successful application of milk in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, gout and obesity. Milk - a weak pathogen of gastric secretion, and therefore most often recommended in cases when you need food, sparing the gastric mucosa (ulcer, gastritis with high acidity). Suffering from swelling doctors also often advised to drink milk because of its property increase excretion of fluid from the body. It is used in atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic liver and gallbladder, as well as other illnesses. Dairy foods also useful for healthy people of any age, so milk and dairy products should take in nutrition is one of the leading places. In some people, milk is a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, and sometimes heartburn, upset of the intestine. Such milk intolerance may be due to the absence or insufficient activity in the body of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar, increased fermentation which leads to gastro-intestinal disorders. Another likely reason - increased sensitivity to milk protein. Try drinking milk mixed with tea or hot water. In this form it is generally perceived better than the whole. If diluted exerts an undesirable effect, give up on him. Include in your diet milk products: kefir, yogurt, atsidofelin. With its many valuable nutritional properties of milk, they are superior to its ease of assimilation. With milk and dairy products, our body gets a complete animal protein, not less valuable than the protein found in meat and fish. Kefir, no doubt, is one of the most commonly used milk products. II Metchnikoff, drawing attention to the high life of highlanders of the Caucasus and parts of Bulgaria, a significant part of the diet were milk products, has come to the conclusion that lactic acid bacteria have the property to delay the development of certain harmful microorganisms and prolong human life. In the food industry kefir is prepared from milk by adding the kefir grains. The composition of kefir grains, except for lactic acid bacteria include dairy yeast that give the drink a special aroma and taste. Kefir is easily digested, exerts a tonic effect. He, like other milk products (yogurt, acidophilus), affects the stomach and intestines: it stimulates secretion of digestive juices, and normalizes motor function of the digestive tract, stimulates appetite. That's why yogurt recommended in chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis with reduced secretion, colitis). Often people with allergies to milk, yogurt horoscho transfer. It contains lactic acid has antimicrobial properties and has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora. Kefir can be made at home. As a starter you can get yogurt, store-bought. In chilled to a temperature of 20 - 25 C pasteurized or boiled milk, poured into glasses, add two teaspoons of yogurt, then put in a warm place and allowed to stand 4 - 5 hours, until a kiseleobraznaya mass. Thus receive a one-day yogurt. Then drink can be kept for 2 - 3 nights at 8 - 10 C for ripening. In the next few days to ferment a new portion of the milk produced at home, you can use yogurt. However, after 10 days as a starter should be used fresh yogurt, bought in a store. Cottage cheese as a food product is needed by all, especially children and elderly people. It is part of the diet in the treatment of liver disease, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Extensive use of curd in clinical nutrition of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, chronic gall bladder disease, pancreatitis, bowel disease. Cottage cheese is almost any diet. He is rightly called the product of not knowing the ban in clinical nutrition. In stores usually comes pasteurized cheese, cooked with leaven of milk, pre-neutralized by bacteria. It can be eaten raw, without heat treatment. From pasteurized prepared cheese curd paste with different fat content, sweet and salty cheese curds. Unpasteurized cheese from sour milk can be used for cooking, heat treated. In order to make cheese from milk, it is necessary to pour the milk into an enamel saucepan, boil, cool to about 30 ° C. Then it is necessary to ferment milk, sour cream, yogurt or yogurt - 3-4 tablespoons to 1 liter., Mix and put in a warm place for 6-8 hours. The resulting mixture is placed in a cloth bag and hung over the dishes to glass serum. Or formed caseous mass recline on a screen or drushlag covered with folded gauze. Curd of yogurt prepared as follows. Kefir poured into an enamel pan, which is placed in a basin or pan larger, filled with boiling water. A water bath to keep on low heat (do not overheat! "), Stir until the yogurt is not yet minimized. Then the same operations as in the preparation of cheese from milk. Recipe cottage cheese from a mixture of yogurt and milk is as follows. At the time of boiling milk in a saucepan pour in an equal amount of buttermilk and boil for 1-2 minutes. The resulting clot is placed in a cloth bag and give to drain whey. You can get cheese, different in taste and texture by varying the ratio of milk and yogurt. Cheese is one of the most valuable food. Its nutritional value is determined primarily by the high protein content - up to 25%. Proteins cheese is well digested. This is explained by the fact that already in the process of cheese ripening is splitting them into amino acids. Fat in cheese by 30% and dry weight basis 45-50%. Significant content of fat and protein causes high calorie product: 100 g. yield from 250 to 400 kcal. Cheese is rich in minerals, especially calcium salts, whose content in 100 grams of the product is 700-1000 mg. For comparison, in 100 cow milk contains only 120 mg. Calcium, and 100 g fat cottage cheese - 150 mg. 100 grams of cheese is almost completely satisfy the daily needs of people in the minerals. In the 100-gram piece of cheese contains 400-600 mg of phosphorus, which is approximately 1 / 3 of daily needs. Cheese is widely used in clinical nutrition. Some varieties such as Russia, Kostroma include nutrition in ulcer disease, chronic gastritis and colitis, chronic liver and gall bladder. Cheeses (vats, cheese, etc.) are not recommended for these diseases. They are also contraindicated in hypertension, heart diseases and kidney accompanied by edema. These types of cheese are recommended for whet anemia, exhaustion, after infectious diseases (if no contraindications). Cheese is useful to include in the diet, when it is necessary to increase the intake of calcium and phosphorus in the body such as bone fractures.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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