Friday, 15 April 2011

Foods that burn fat

Foods that burn fat

Indeed, some products can not only do not you add extra kilos, but also burn extra fat. Grapefruit. It lowers insulin levels, and this in turn reduces your desire for something to eat. Regular consumption of each meal than half of the fruit of grapefruit or 150 gr. its juice can reduce the average weight for 2 weeks to 2 kg. Grapefruit juice can be mixed with juice of orange and lemon. This will further strengthen your immune system and cleanse the body of toxins. Green tea. It prevents the formation of cancer cells. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Drinking 5 cups of green tea a day, you lose 70-80 calories. Spicy foods. Sharp spices make your body sweat, increased heart rate, which in turn speeds up metabolism. But, if you like sharp chips or spicy fried food - it's unlikely to help you throw a couple of pounds. Low-fat dairy products. They not only supply your body with calcium, but also increases production of hormones calcitriol, a hormone that causes cells to burn more fat. Water. You will be hard to lose weight if you drink enough fluid in the form of clean water. With a lack of fluid in the body slows down metabolism. May decrease blood glucose levels. There is weakness and dizziness. Cinnamon. Only a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, eaten with a meal helps to absorb sugar more effectively and reduce blood sugar levels. A high level of sugar in the blood is known to lead to the formation of more and more fat. It can also be used instead of sugar as it a natural sweetness. Protein foods. For the formation of muscle proteins are needed. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn - even when just relaxing. Moreover, for the assimilation of proteins spend more calories to digest than fats and carbohydrates. The best sources of protein - chicken, fish, egg whites, turkey.

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