Monday, 4 April 2011

In the name of the regional ...

In the name of the regional office should contain the name of the Federation, for instance: Moscow City regional office ObOO, Moscow Region regional office ObOO, Stavropol Krai regional office ObOO, etc. In Table 1, is given an exhaustive list of solutions of the constituent assembly in the regions, as well - a list of documents required to follow the state registration of regional office in the territorial authority of the Federal Registration Service (hereinafter - the Federal Reserve). Most important document in this phase - Minutes of a constituent assembly to establish a regional office ObOO. Please note that the state registration of regional branches is possible only after the constituent congress and state registration ObOO in the Federal Registration Service. The third phase of the ObOO - ObOO constituent assembly, convened by the Organising Committee. The main participants of the constituent congress, having the right to make decisions by voting, are the delegates elected to form a regional offices ObOO. Powers of delegate (s) are confirmed by an extract from the minutes of the constituent assembly of regional offices ObOO. The legitimacy of the constituent assembly is determined by the presence of a quorum - the minimum required number of delegates entitled, in accordance with the Charter, to take decisions on the agenda of constituent assembly. Since the adoption of the constituent congress decisions on the creation ObOO, approval of its Charter, the formation of governing and auditing bodies ObOO is established, may exercise its statutory activities, acquire rights, except for the rights of legal entity, and take on responsibilities. ObOO legal capacity as a legal entity, arises only after the state registration (article 18 of the Federal Law № 82-FZ of 19.05.1995g.). The provisions of this article apply equally to regional offices. To finalize a package of documents for state registration have three months from the date of the decision by the Congress on the establishment of ObOO. Statement on the transition to a simplified tax system (the authors recommend that this tax treatment, the object of taxation - income) shall be filed either with the basic package of documents, or within five days from the date of state registration, or - at least one month before the end of this year. Federal Registration Service (FRS territorial authorities) consider the submitted documents within a month. In the case of positive decision the applicant is issued a certificate of state registration ObOO Certificate of registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Persons (Legal Entities), and stamped the Fed a copy of the Charter ObOO. Certificate of tax registration, notification of registration of extra-budgetary funds and agencies of statistics are sent to relevant organizations by mail to the permanent governing body ObOO.

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