Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Increased effectiveness of treatment ...

Increased effectiveness of treatment ...

Improved efficiency of treating diseases by eliminating unnecessary costly chemotherapy for good and satisfactory end result of treatment, reducing the ratio cost / effectiveness. Economic efficiency was 12,747 rubles. Developed and implemented prevention programs in 22 family homes where the parents suffered from ischemic heart disease, hypertension risk factors (smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, low tolerance to carbohydrates). In children and adolescents in these families revealed early signs of neurocirculatory dystonia, juvenile dispituitarizma, overweight, physical inactivity. Family prevention program consisted of Dietetics (decrease in total kalorazha, consumption of fats, carbohydrates, salt); dose exercise training, smoking cessation, psychological training. In families with a predominant pathological lesions of COPD parents (18 families), children and adolescents suffered from respiratory allergosis, frequent acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). Implemented programs hygiene housing, clothing, dietetics (food diary); rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection; controlled physical exercise, breathing exercises. In all families in Group 1 6-12 months observed not only decrease the frequency, duration and severity of exacerbations, a decrease from 12 to 8 days per year per worker to temporary disability, lack of progression of organ damage, but also improve quality of life index (with -3,65 ± 1,3 to -1,68 ± 0,54 points) of children and adolescents. In the families of the 2 nd subgroups have not only reduce the frequency of attacks of breathlessness, improve lung function, reduction of periods of disability (from 11 to 6 days per year per employee) in adults, but also a significant reduction in the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections and exacerbations of respiratory allergies in children and adolescents (decrease absenteeism in the school from 28 to 17 days per student per year). For the first time in a state of AVOP entered clinical psychologist. Well-established pattern of interaction medical psychologist with GPs, at the request of doctors performed 233 primary counseling individuals with somatoform disorders. The wording of diagnoses carried out in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases 10 th revision and psychiatric synopsis 4 th revision. 121 consultation (52%) was associated with psychosomatic disorders, 56 patients (23%) suffered from hypochondria, with 37 people (16%) was found hidden depression, distimicheskie disorder, accompanied by somatic disorders, 19 patients (9%) - conversion disorder. Psychodiagnostic true method most appropriate in AFP: Personality Inventory Behterevskogo institute "type attitude to the disease" (Licko, AE, Ivanov IY, 1980); Luscher color test, reduced multifactorial questionnaire for the study of personality; integral test "Quality Life (QOL) of the software package of automated medical and psychological examinations "Meditest (Lebedev VB

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