Among these antioxidants found vitamin C, enzymes (catalase, glucose oxidase and peroxidase), as well as phenolic compounds. Although oxygen free radicals are a natural product of metabolism in humans under certain conditions they can cause cell damage and even disrupt the structure of DNA. Contained in honey substance able to bind free radicals, rendering them harmless. Our scientists have also conducted such surveys, however, the Russian scientific interest, as opposed to overseas, often caused by lack of funds for expensive medications. Thus, in one of the peripheral hospitals physicians spent enough scale research application of honey in the form of eye drops of conservative treatment of senile cataracts. As a result, concluded: "Use fresh honeycomb at a dilution of 1:2 surpassed by the impact of the action of vitamin drops and it was no less effective than expensive imported drugs." This is the latest (though not single!) Communications relating to research the healing properties of honey. Given the millennial practice of therapeutic application of this most valuable product (see last issue of "Prevention"), it seems inappropriate to give another proof of the usefulness of a sweet "medicine", confirmed by official science. Villagers easiest way to purchase honey right on the apiaries beekeepers in: Who, if not expert, are better than others advise what med to take and for what purposes. Muscovites also should be thankful addiction current mayor of beekeeping: people can buy delicious and high quality honey at specialty shops and pavilions. Many places offered at the same time several dozen (!) Of healthful goodies. How to understand such diversity? Honey can be divided along several lines. Firstly, in its origins it is monoflernym (built with honey plants mainly one species) or poliflernym (compiled from various honey plants). The quality of honey is affected by many factors: in addition to ecology of area honey harvest, health, bees, skill and diligence beekeeper and others, the healing qualities of honey depend on honey plants themselves - in fact, to some extent the healing properties of plants, with flowers which the bees collect nectar, carry over into the final product. It is believed that the darker varieties of honey contains more minerals, phenolic compounds, and therefore have the strongest protective effect. Because the amount of honey to the number of honey plants (plus various combinations poliflernye), then tell all is not possible. Let us dwell on the most popular. Acacia honey. One of the best varieties. The fresh product has a watery transparent color. Crystallizes very slowly, after crystallization becomes milky-white color. Refers to the so-called "light honeys, different low content of mineral components, but has a high taste and mild antimicrobial properties. Exerts an expectorant action. It is used for insomnia, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, eyes, and as a fortifying agent. Sweet Clover Honey. Refers to top-notch. Has a light amber color, and has high taste, very subtle pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla. It is recommended for heart diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Linden honey. Refers to the most high-quality varieties. It has a pleasant aroma of lime, sweet taste. Color varies from white to pale yellow. Has severe nutritional and medicinal properties. High content of antimicrobial substances. Used as a tonic remedy for liver and kidney, and effective in skin lesions. Have long known that honey is well established in the treatment of colds, but if there is a choice, should prefer white honey. This is an excellent treatment for tracheitis, bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses, as it gives demulcent, expectorant, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also important that white honey has a soothing effect and improves sleep. Sunflower honey. Contains large amounts of glucose, compared with other varieties, there is little fructose. Light amber color, fragrance weak. Crystallizes both large and small crystals. It has good nutritional and medicinal properties. Field honey. High quality honey. Color ranges from colorless to light yellow. Composition depends on the plants growing in the vicinity of the apiary. Most often in a field dominated by collecting honey from a large quantity of honey plants - plants such as sweet clover, clover, chernokoren, dead-nettle, sow thistle, valerian, cornflower, willow-herb, and others sumochnik crystallizes quickly, small crystals. Has a delicate aroma and sweet taste. Due to its composition are widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, nervous system, heart and digestive system. Buckwheat honey. One of the best varieties. In liquid form has a dark red or brown. Crystallizes rapidly, both large and small crystals, thus acquiring a dark yellow or brown. Has a specific pleasant taste and a very strong aroma. Compared with other varieties contain a large number of macro-and micronutrients. Particularly rich in iron ions, magnesium and copper. It is used in various blood diseases, including those with anemia, diseases of the nervous system, as a fortifying agent. Clover honey is colorless, transparent, has excellent taste, is considered one of the best light varieties of honey. During the crystallization into a solid white mass. Has a strong expectorant action. Beneficial effect on colds give padevye varieties of honey - from fir, pine, fir and other conifers. They soften the cough, have a marked anti-inflammatory, antispasticheskoe and soothing effect. Forest honey. High quality honey. Colour - from light yellow to dark brown. Crystallizes slowly, with small crystals. Has a delicate flavor and a strong pleasant aroma. It consists of a collection of maple, willow, buckthorn, raspberries, limes, acacias and other plants. Very useful in diseases of the nervous and digestive systems, respiratory organs. In ancient Russian handwritten medical manual contains dozens of recipes, which include honey in combination with chamomile, nettles, onions and other herbs. In these sources, for example, you can find many indications that the honey treated wounds. In the future, traditional medicine is much enriched by knowledge of the miraculous properties of the wonderful gift of nature. And today honey is increasingly used to treat people suffering from a variety of diseases. The use of honey in many diseases can reduce and in some cases even stop taking the drugs and chemicals to achieve the therapeutic effect within a shorter time. Honey nourishes easily digestible glucose weakened heart muscle, lead to increased coronary blood vessels and this improves the coronary circulation. In hypertensive patients showed a mixture of honey with equal amount of cranberries, passed through a meat grinder. Take it one tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. Angina recommend another mix: aloe juice - 100 g, honey - 300 g, chopped nuts - 500 g, 2.1 lemon juice. For the treatment of hypertensive patients, traditional medicine also recommends to apply the honey with the juice of vegetables. For example, a glass of beet juice, carrot juice as much, horseradish (grated horseradish previously insisted on the water 36 hours) and the juice of one lemon mixed with one cup of honey. Take this mixture for two months, one tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 1 hour before or 2-3 hours after eating. Another recipe includes the following components: one glass of carrot juice, horseradish (grated horseradish also insist on the water), a glass of honey and juice of one lemon. All this is thoroughly mixed and take the same pattern as the first mixture. Store such a mixture is necessary in a well-sealed glass container in a cool place. Beneficial effect of honey on the body of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, no doubt. However, these patients should not still use honey in large quantities of hot tea, as it leads to increased perspiration during vigorous work of the heart. And the additional load on the diseased heart is not desirable. Temperate and long-term use of honey (at 50-140 g / day for 1-2 months), patients with severe heart disease tends to improve the general condition, normalization of the blood, high levels of hemoglobin, as well as cardio-vascular tone. In tuberculosis, traditional medicine recommends the use of honey and milk, different fats (butter, goose fat, lard) and other high-calorie substances. Often when this is added the juice of aloe (agave). As can be seen even from this short review, honey can help with many ailments, strengthen weakened body, promote the general improvement. And can you imagine anything more delicious medication?
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