Strictly speaking, a separate power means the separate use of various food products. Each of the food consumed at a given moment is used separately from each other, and each of the types of food - and even at different times of day. "And what is all this?" - You may ask. Yes, in order to minimize the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine of human (in the gastrointestinal tract or digestive tract), while doing everything to strengthen the digestive function thereof (or them). Let's try to understand the essence of the gastrointestinal tract. Food that is eaten by man, not digested fully. No more than 50% of food eaten human digestive tract is able to digest and assimilate. Why so? Several reasons for this - it is too rapid transit of food through the digestive tract, and the presence of some diseases (but not always clearly manifest themselves, especially in the initial period) - resulting in reduced enzymatic activity of the digestive tract, or the inherited defect of either the authorities gastrointestinal tract, or enzymatic its "security." And, of course, eating poorly processed, cooked, which even healthy body is not very "friendly" encounters. Well would be if the food poorly absorbed - well, would buy and eat would be more food (though this is for the majority of our countrymen to their poor physical facilities - a big problem). But no. The trouble is that inadequately processed (digested) food decomposes in the gut - its protein components - is rotting in the literal sense of the word ferment carbohydrates (such as home-brewed beer, if anyone had seen the process of making moonshine), oislyayutsya fats (rancid). You've noticed, perhaps, that the smell of human excrement different every time - when the bad, and when and just offensive. It all depends on the aforementioned processes of decay, fermentation and rancidity. But this just be something and it should not. Well, should not the food to rot and ferment in our digestive tract. You may ask: "What is this chair and we should not have a smell?". That's right - should not, because there should be no room for fermentation and rotting food in our body. Well, as long as the processes of fermentation and rotting in our bodies still have a place, and the absorption of these in the blood and the poisoning of them - were the products of putrefaction and fermentation and rancidity - our precious body (each of its cells - whether the cells of the brain and / or spinal cord, and / or bone and / or liver disease - all without exception, organs and systems) also holds. And how could it be otherwise? Our body tries to fight this evil and in fact fights, spending a colossal amount of internal energy. Instead of kumulirovat and spend this energy on something else - say, on the immune system, which did not get the required amount of energy at some far point, and so will miss the atypical (cancerous) cells instead of to destroy them (for the uninitiated - in every living organism produced by "defective" atypical cells / cell with an improperly imparted cores, cancer / and the emergence of these atypical cells - a continuous process until the warmth of life). Here are some of our immune system and discarded by sending everyone the right moment so-called killer cells to find and destroy these atypical cells. Nature is wise all up. But we, the people-men, are often all that "perelohmachivaem" and hinders the nature of extending our lives, make it beautiful and comfortable. We select the enormous amount of energy at the same immune system and redirect it to, say, the process of inactivation products of decay and fermentation. And the immune system, did not get the energy, "skukoshivaetsya" and skip past the above-named itself the cancer cells. Not enough in her strength to adequately search for and eliminate cancer cells. I. .. And that ... Here and develop tumor (read - the cancer) disease. If you do not feed your army, then sooner or later will have to feed someone else's (ie, an army of invaders, the invaders) - it's not, I thought, so said a wise people. If the police keep on the salary that you receive her staff - that in her normal people will not go into it go the other ... Those who do not have it be on a plan ... Remember the old anecdote? ... Enrolled youth to serve in law enforcement - the police, received a form, badge, service weapon ... And the month it is not, and two, and three ... Finally, he calls home and say: "You, Sergeant, when the police department a state, well at least in order to get paid?". What surprised Sergeant replies: "But what pistol gave, gave shape - and even give a salary?" Do not be poor and hungry people are good, quality work. How can not get enough right amount of energy the immune system to function qualitatively, at the right time destroying cancer cells or pathogenic microbes, which in a large number live in our bodies and to a certain point does not manifest itself (immune system to clamp down on). Thus, the processes of decay, fermentation and the products of these adverse to the human body processes penetrate into the blood through the filter-conceived nature of the barriers, literally prolamyvayas them and poisoning, all organs and systems of the human body. Here and there are serious diseases. And frivolous too. Although, frankly, I do not know what it is not serious disease. Any disease that looks like a frivolous in the eyes of a very sick person or in the eyes of a knowledgeable physician - can always get like progressive course and become a huge problem, until the threat is the life. Is it possible to make sure that this is the poisoning, stemming from the intestine to minimize, reduce the "out"? Possible. What's more - you need to. By the way speaking, intoxication, caused by the processes of decay, fermentation and rancidity in our gut, in its many expressions of unpleasant properties than many other kinds of intoxication. And that in fact what happens - environmental enthusiasts hang on board the tanker, not letting them enter the port, or on branches of trees - not letting them file away. And it's all done under the auspices of the struggle for the preservation of the environment of our habitat. And rightly so. And honor them and praise to these people. But our internal environment needs more attention. And as this to convince people to ... Dr. Zemtsov. Dr. Zemtsov. Source: Online edition of "Planet Health" № 23 June 2004 on the site LTD "MediaRoom"
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