Watching women carried out within the next 9 months according to the forms of statistical reporting. Found that in an area where pre-and post-abortion counseling was carried out with the provision of contraception, abortion again within six months has made 8 (5%) of women for 9 months - 13 (8,1%). The reasons for unintended pregnancy were: denial of hormonal contraceptives, IUD expulsion and its removal for medical reasons. Five women go to a doctor with a request to remove the Navy as planned birth. In the group, where women are provided only advisory services, re abortion was performed during the first six months in 19 patients (14,6%) female and 28 (21,5%) - within 9 months (p < 0,05). Характерен и факт различия в уровнях осложнений после прерывания беременности в сравниваемых группах. Так, в основной группе за медицинской помощью обратились 12 женщин (7,5%). Причинами их служили вопросы, касающиеся особенностей самочувствия пациенток при приеме гормональных контрацептивов или введенной ВМС. В группе сравнения за 9 месяцев послеабортного времени зафиксировано 15 обращений. Поводами для этого служили нарушения менструального цикла – 6 пациенток (4,6%); воспалительные процессы у девяти (6,9%). Две женщины (1,5%) были госпитализированы. Таким образом, предоставление пациенткам такого вида медицинской услуги, как консультирование по планированию семьи с обеспечением тем или иным методом контрацепции является практически более значимым, поскольку позволяет положительно влиять на сохранение и укрепление репродуктивного потенциала в регионе. Момент экономической его целесообразности требует дальнейшего изучения. Опубликовано с разрешения администрации Русского Медицинского Журнала.
Reforms should be, but ...
Grechenko VI Chairman of the pharmaceutical activity of the administration of Ryazan region. In light of recent trends in health care reform believe it is important to focus on two recent, from my point of view, the themes. First of all, this is the replacement of benefits monetary compensation. The benefits of such a step is obvious, especially for rural people, provided of course that the delays in the transfer of money will not be. Nevertheless, there are issues that require a more careful approach. For example, we need criteria for evaluating the need for drugs and cost norms per patient depending on the disease, the frequency of clinic visits, resources, etc. While the proposed system did not take into account, relying on formal indicators. Perhaps, in general it is time to revise the list of groups entitled to preferential release drugs and disease categories, as has passed the 10 years since the adoption of the Resolution of the Russian Government № 890 of 30.07.1994. Despite the fact that it stipulates 42 categories of benefit recipients, "the unreached", for example, remain poor, which by virtue of the social situation often do not have money to buy even a very cheap drug.
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