Sunday, 3 April 2011

Table 1 summarizes the number ...

Table 1 summarizes the number ...

The table № 1 shows the main stages of the All-Russian Public Organization (hereinafter referred to in the text and table - ObOO), the major decisions of each phase, and a list of documents required for state registration of the All-Russian public organization (its regional offices) in the Federal Registry service (regional offices of the Federal Registration Service). The main document regulating the establishment of social organization is the Federal Law № 82-FZ of 19.05.1995g. (In red. Federal law from 10.01.2006 N 18-FZ) "On public associations". The state registration of public organizations (regional branches of inter-regional and / or Russian Public Organization) is regulated by Federal law from 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On state registration of legal persons", the Order of Justice Ministry from 25.03.2003, N 68 "On approval of rules review statements and making a decision on state registration (registered in Ministry of Justice of Russia 01.04.2003, registration N 4350). Forms of documents required for state registration of public organizations (regional office), are given in Appendix N 1 RF Government Decree of 15.04.2006, N 212 "On measures to implement certain provisions of federal laws governing nonprofit organizations." The first step in creating ObOO is the formation of the organizing committee, of which should enter the formal and informal leaders of the nationwide level for a particular medical specialty with close contacts with colleagues from the regions as well - the perpetrators, owning information technology and communications. Inclusion of the Organizing Committee member of the national medical organization - the Russian Medical Society - will be more productive to coordinate the work of this and subsequent phases of creation and state registration ObOO. The most important task of the Organizing Committee - the development and approval of the draft Charter ObOO, information and consultation of representatives of regions in the constituent assembly to establish regional offices ObOO in more than half of the subjects of the Russian Federation, preparations for the constituent assembly to create ObOO. All documents generated in the course of the Organizing Committee, are internal and do not participate in the subsequent registration as ObOO and its regional offices. The main costs of the preparatory phase - the payment of communication services (telephone, fax, email). The second step to create ObOO is the process of organizing and holding the constituent assembly on the formation of its regional branches in more than half of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Of the founders of the regional office ObOO can be any (but not less than three), but the authors recommend to include in the protocol of a constituent assembly is not more than 4-6 people, that in the future to simplify the procedure of state registration.

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