Thursday, 14 April 2011


One of the first drink, who learned to make people had juice. Currently, the technological process of production of juices and nectars consists of several stages: first - the laboratory control of raw and potable water, the second - blending (mixing) the concentrated juice, juice components, drinking water, natural flavors. If it is a nectar, then this mixture is added to a specially prepared sugar syrup. Then spend pasteurization, ie, short-term thermal treatment of the product, at a temperature of 90-110 ° C (for the tomato juice - at 122 ° C) and rapid cooling to 25 ° C. This mode allows you to save not only the taste, but all the vitamins. After that pasteurized juice enters the packaging machine. Water for the production of juices and nectars is five levels of treatment: a preliminary mechanical, obezzhelezivayuschuyu, removal of organic contaminants, treatment with ultraviolet light and flash purification. The entire process takes place in a closed system, which protects against undesirable external influences. Filling is carried out under sterile conditions in packages that are sterilized to form inside the machine. The equipment is programmed to work exclusively with the observance of a given treatment of sterility. But not only aseptic processing ensures the safety of juices and nectars for 9 months without using preservatives. Packaging protects the juice from the negative effects of light and oxygen. Packages are made of seven-layer material. Consumers are primarily interested in taste juice. And that depends on raw materials and formulations. To do this, hold numerous special marketing research. Juice in an industrial environment are made from concentrate, experts call it "condensed" juice. The juice prepared in the habitats of fruit. Around orchards built factories, which produces juice: squeeze the juice first, then remove it from the moisture. For the production of juice created by "soft" conditions - low temperatures (-30 to -50 ° C) and under vacuum, thus preserving all the vitamins. In this case, collect all the fumes, because they contain aromatic substances: a product called "natural flavor". In the production of juice thickened juice concentrate is reduced to its original condition by adding water and natural flavors. The resulting juice is called 100%. According to the state standard of Russia, it can not add preservatives, artificial or synthetic fragrances, mineral additives and sweeteners. Hence the task of fruit and vegetable processing industry - supply of plant food having high nutritive and biological value and contain almost all necessary for a person of substance. However, the raw materials in Russia is imported. This concentrated juices (orange, pineapple, grapefruit, grape, strawberry, cherry, black currant, pear) and various puree (peach, apricot, guava, mango, banana, etc.). Among the major domestic juice concentrates are apple, black currant, cranberry, sea buckthorn; puree prepared from plum and cherry plums, and vegetable juices - tomato and carrot. In the future, greater use of wild plants - fruits and berries (blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, cranberries) and vegetable raw materials (pumpkin, cabbage, beets). Quality of juice, the safety of their use are guaranteed by a special analysis conducted by modern methods. Increased imports of concentrated juices significantly expand the range of these products. Along with monosokami appeared multivitamin juice, 100% juices direct extraction, frozen juices and juice with red plant pigments (based on the chokeberry, elderberry, black currant). Production of juices and beverages in Russia is developing dynamically - this is a very lucrative industry. Fruit juice is prepared from ripe and fresh fruits, vegetables - from the edible portion of benign vegetables, dried juice - by the removal of moisture to a powder. In addition, there are juices nectars, which contain up to 25-50% of the concentrated juice. Rich taste of nectar is achieved by mixing different fruit juices, they quench your thirst - say, the gods drank the nectar is. Fruit juice drinks in its composition have at least 10% juice, vegetables - at least 40%. Thus, the juices can be concentrated, recovered, blended, direct extraction, frozen, with pulp, clarified, carbonated (with added carbon dioxide). Fruit juices contain a significant amount of organic acids, sugars, vitamins, minerals, and juices with pulp - More and pectin. Harmonious taste juices add organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, and biological value - minerals, especially iron, potassium, magnesium, etc. The presence of pectin in the juice responsible for their radioprotective and Detoxication action, because it absorbs well and toxic heavy metals and radionuclides. Energy value of juice is low (48-80 kcal), which is due to a large content of water (80-90%). Juice, depending on the raw materials are divided into 3 categories. Vintage juice made from certain varieties of pomology fruits (berries). Ordinary juices are made from a mixture of different varieties of pomology. By blended (mixed) juices are such, which added no more than 35% of other juices: apple, carrot or apple and multivitamin aronievy. Innovation for the juice industry in Russia - making juices from exotic fruits and biosokov (juices, which were obtained from fruits and vegetables grown without chemical fertilizers). Freeze-dried juices of vegetables (cabbage, beets), fruits (apples, pears, apricots) and berries provide a person a new quality of life and preserve health in a natural way for many years. Fruit and vegetable juices - an integral part of the philosophy of healthy eating. Healthy food should strengthen its own defenses. So, if a person uses juice 5 times a day, then it 2 times decreased risk of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, respiratory tract. Vitamins A, B, C, E, flavonoids and trace elements (silicon, selenium) contained in fruits and vegetables, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. People's desire to buy natural and healthy products - one of the major trends in soft drinks market. Beverages such medicine in many countries (including Russia) are recommended as the optimal form of the food consumed by man for the enrichment of the body of biologically active substances. At the same drinks must have good taste and be comfortable to use. The main raw material for the beverage industry are cereals, fruits, berries, vegetables, stems, leaves, flowers, roots, bee products, secondary products such as dairy products. Using the juice you can create dietetic, diabetic and gerontological drinks: brew drink, cup, lemonade and drinks on the basis of grain. Recently, much attention is paid to higher value drinks and functional beverages containing a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals, macro-and micronutrients. To optimize the taste and quality pick up the various components, a mixture of products and ingredients. In these mixtures play an important role acidulants, which on the one hand, provide the necessary acidity, but on the other - punctuate the appropriate flavor. In Europe and the U.S. made a lot of drinks with the obligatory inclusion of calcium lactate, which is essential to man. The most effective it is absorbed along with drinks, as In them he is present in soluble form. Daily requirement of an adult organism in calcium - about 1 g, for teenagers and pregnant women - 20% higher. It is imperative enriched beverages with vitamins, as currently deficiency disease was detected in 70-80% of the population of Russia. "The concept of healthy nutrition of Russian population up to 2005" provides for the creation and production of fortified foods and beverages to make up for lack of vitamins. To enrich the drinks are used as individual vitamins, and specially designed vitamin mixture. Used for this purpose vitamin C - it is not only useful for the human vitamin, but also the stabilizer which preserves the delicate taste and color of fruit. It removes the oxygen from the beverage - the culprit of oxidation. Fortification of beverages conduct complex mixtures and in such a way that a standard serving (200 ml) contained one-third to half the recommended daily intake of vitamins. In addition to vitamins in these drinks and the use provitamins (eg, provitamin A). Carbonated soft drinks on the basis of spring water with fruit aroma differ unique taste. The absence of dyes, the reduced sugar content makes these drinks really invigorating. Nutritious drinks that do not contain carbon dioxide, different composition and contain herbs (ginseng, magnolia, golden root, levzei and Kombucha). Creating a beverage fortified with micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements), providing a vital body functions, including the reproduction of the gene pool, especially actively in recent years. In the new beverages are introduced not only vitamins and minerals, and ballast substances, vegetable fiber, pectin, which increase the body's resistance to disease, strengthen immunity, reduce blood cholesterol levels, withdrawal of heavy and toxic metals, radionuclides. These drinks should be present in the diet of schoolchildren, students, people engaged in active labor. There were drinks with health-improving properties, built on technology integration in sour milk beverages. Refreshing and thirst-quenching (due to carbon dioxide), they have long retain their properties. Even more opportunities are created using milk components - fat droplet enveloping give a pleasant taste. Many people love these drinks, which are called "smoothies" for "velvet" fruity taste. Whey, used in conjunction with apple or cherry drink, provides a highly enriched product is biologically active substances. Promising application in beverages (fruit and vegetable), lactic ferments. Laktofermentirovannye drinks have high biological value and relate to functional foods or beverages special composition (fruit puree, concentrated fruit juice with milk and yogurt). Among the recent developments in the drinks include low-calorie sweetened foods with an exotic flavor to quench your thirst, which contains about 35% fruit juice, vitamin C and in high demand. The new drink, produced in our country - a natural cabbage juice with the addition of beet juice. The drink is rich in vitamins, organic acids, macro-and micronutrients, beneficial to health. Along with ascorbic acid it contains lipoic acid, which is involved in biochemical reactions associated with the release of energy, protects against the effects of heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium). Cabbage juice has an effective cleansing action and helps to reduce body weight. Beet juice is useful in anemia, it improves the blood formula. It is very valuable to the ratio of sodium and calcium (50% and 5% respectively), which is important for maintaining the solubility of calcium in the body. This is one of the best means for hypertension. When removing the "hangover (withdrawal) syndrome" for the body to fill shortages of water, potassium, magnesium, and carbohydrate. But all this must be in the complex. By non-traditional food additives in the manufacture of soft drinks include algae and grasses. Beverages containing vegetable seafood, are widespread in Japan. Microalgae cpirulina platentis belongs to a class of blue-green algae. Contains 60% protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, pigments. Use of algae in the recipe drinks can eliminate the lack of vitamins. They can be used in finely ground form or extract. In powder form labile natural components of the algae are not the solution, and placed in cells of spirulina as a capsule. Biologically active substance is not broken down and getting into the gastrointestinal tract, are easily digested by the body. For high quality products include beverages that contain special health-restoring additives, in particular soy-based beverages. Soy is an alternative and cheap source of protein, and these drinks are successfully produced in dairy plants. Here we use only domestic raw materials without transgenic modifications. Fruit shorl - a combination of natural mineral water and about 55% fruit juice from apples, cherries and elderberries. Various shorli can receive a combination of apple juice with other fruit. Health, vigor and ease - a new concept in beverage production. A new line of beverages includes several varieties of fruit juices, is a functional composition: for breakfast, to strengthen bones, to enhance the body's defenses, to restore muscle activity (eg, after sport). Have good prospects multivitamin juice. Now the most popular drinks of the prolonged action without preservatives, dyes, and sugar.

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