Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Whether you like potatoes?

Whether you like potatoes?

It was long thought that the potato product is unwholesome: it has a lot of starch and calories, and from fattening. As far as this is the truth! These accusations are absolutely unfounded, but because they did not notice many beneficial properties of vegetable. In a baked potato - 145 calories. One cup of cooked, sliced ??potatoes -114 calories. So, what are the potatoes? There is very little sodium and fat (if you go there it do not add). But this is not the only plus. Cellulose - another advantage of potatoes. And it is this property that helps reduce cholesterol. Another gift - a huge amount of potassium. Compared with potatoes orange here looks mediocre. Now perhaps you understand why cardiologists always recommend that my patients eat potatoes - because potassium helps prevent heart disease. Half baked potatoes - something that will help your heart. Just do not cook the potatoes and bake necessarily. While cooking potatoes can be lost from 10 to 50 percent potassium, and if you cook by steaming or oven, then disappears only from 3 to 6 percent. How to choose. Potatoes should be tight, keep the shape and color. Do not take the vegetables, which have some green spots or sprouts. Better to buy a little, but not a sack. Then you will have the opportunity to inspect each potato. Greens, which you sometimes see on vegetables, should cause suspicion. This is a signal that they appeared salanin, a substance which in large quantities can cause drowsiness, diarrhea and vomiting. Advice on storage. Keep potatoes in a cool dark place, but not in the refrigerator. Do not place next to apples, it will affect its taste.

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