Wednesday, 25 May 2011



Bread has a special place in our diet. No bread is impossible to diet as a healthy person, and those who are in need of dietary nutrition. In addition, the bread has a fairly rare for food quality - it never bores, which allows you to include it in the daily diet. Bread - an important and most accessible source of valuable vegetable protein (along with potatoes, cereals, legumes), which contains a number of essential amino acids (methionine, lysine). In wheat bread contains more protein than in rye (respectively 8.6 and 5.6%). Especially a lot of carbs in the bread (rye in 40 - 43%, wheat 42 - 52%), fats in it a little - from 0,6 to 2,9%. Bread - a significant source of vitamin B. It is a supplier of fiber daily. Finally, bread - the source of the body needs minerals, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. Bread - dense foods. Calorie-wheat bread, slightly higher than that of rye. 100 grams of rye bread wholemeal flour yield 190 kcal., And 100 grams of wheat bread from white flour - 233 calories. Calorie-baking is even higher: 100 g - 297 kcal. How much bread can eat per day? This question can not be answered unequivocally. With a varied diet that includes products such as vegetable and animal origin, is quite enough to eat approximately 300 - 400 g of bread per day. However, the small amount of grain disease states to include in the diet should be reduced. For example, an obese person the doctor may recommend reducing the amount of grain in the ration to 100 - 150 grams a day. More specific recommendations on issues related to the optimum amount of grain in the diet can give your doctor who knows your energy consumption, lifestyle, health status. Often the question arises: what kind of bread is more useful - rye or wheat? Given the lower calorie rye bread, its more than wheat, it should use those who are inclined to corpulence. For most healthy people healthier rye bread made from wholemeal flour. But the rye bread is not recommended during exacerbation of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis with high acidity. In such cases, shows white bread, biscuits nesdobnye. Range of dietary breads for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases is constantly increasing. Here are some of them: - corn bread baked from a mixture of wheat flour and coarse grains of crushed wheat. These breads are designed to have a tendency to constipation - "Doctor bread" baked from wheat flour with added wheat bran. They contain high amounts of vitamins, fiber. Recommended in atherosclerosis, hypertension, constipation - biscuits with low acidity are designed for those who suffer from gastritis with acidity of gastric juice - ahloridny bread - the bread without salt. It is recommended for certain diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system in cases where doctors prescribe the limit of salt in the diet. The information contained in ahloridnom bread whey to some extent masks (in terms of taste) the absence of salt. Some people, wanting to lose weight, eliminate bread from the diet. But it does not care about that the body gets enough of the other products all the nutrients that are contained in the bread. Typically, doctors do not recommend completely exclude bread from your diet. Those who are inclined to completeness, it should be, primarily, to refuse sweets - chocolates, cakes, pies, jams. Quantity of grain can be no harm to the health limit 2-3 pieces per day, preferably rye. How to store bread, so he has not lost its taste and nutritional properties? There are many ways to store grain. For example, store rye and wheat bread in plastic bags, placed in the breadbasket. These pouches, 2 times a week should be washed and dried. Store bread recommend storing no more than 3 days, otherwise it taste worse.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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