Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Over 56% of the energy the body receives from carbohydrates and the rest - at the expense of protein and fat. Depending on the complexity of the structure, solubility, rapid assimilation of carbohydrate foods are divided into simple carbohydrates: monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose), disaccharides (sucrose, lactose) and complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, cellulose). Simple carbohydrates are water-soluble and easily digested. They have a pronounced sweet flavor and are sugars. The most common monosaccharide - glucose - found in many fruits and berries, and also formed in the body as a result of the splitting of disaccharides and starch foods. Glucose is the most quickly and easily used in the body for the formation of glycogen, to power the brain tissue, the working muscles (including cardiac muscle), to maintain the desired level of blood sugar and liver glycogen stockpile. In all cases, when a large physical exertion glucose can be used as an energy source. Fructose has the same properties as glucose, and can be regarded as a valuable, easily digestible sugars. However, it is slowly absorbed in the intestine and, by doing the blood, quickly leave the blood stream. Fructose in a significant number (70 - 80%) is retained in the liver and causes a glut of blood sugar. In the liver, fructose is more readily converted into glycogen compared with glucose. Fructose is absorbed better than sucrose and has a greater sweetness. High fructose sweetness allows it to use smaller quantities to achieve the desired sweetness level products and thus reduce the overall consumption of sugars, which is important in the construction of calorie restriction diets. Excess sucrose affects fat metabolism, increasing zhiroobrazovanie. Found that when excess entry increases the conversion of sugar into fat of all nutrients (starch, fat, food, and some protein). Thus, the number of incoming sugar may be to some extent a factor that regulates fat metabolism. Copious consumption of sugar leads to disruption of cholesterol metabolism and increase its level in serum. Sugar adversely affects the function of the intestinal microflora. This increases the proportion of putrefactive micro-organisms increases the intensity of putrefactive processes in the gut, develops flatulence. Established that the least these shortcomings manifest themselves in the consumption of fructose. The major sources of fructose are fruits and berries. Glucose and fructose are well represented in the honey: the glucose reaches 36.2%, fructose - 37.1%. In watermelons the sugar fructose is represented, the amount of which is 8%. Third monosaccharide - galactose - a free form in foods does not occur. Galactose is a product of the splitting of the main carbohydrate of milk - lactose. Of the disaccharides in human nutrition major importance sucrose, which is the hydrolysis breaks down into glucose and fructose. Sources of sucrose in the human diet are mainly cane and beet sugar. Sucrose content in sugar is 99.75%. Natural sources of sucrose are melons, some vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrate content per 100 g of product
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