For the body, there are three best diet: 1. Raw vegetarian diet (raw vegetables and fruit and vegetable juices from them, nuts). 2. The same vegetarian diet, but with the addition of boiled vegetables, boiled and baked fruit. Both diets beskrahmalnye and dairy-free. 3. Meat diet. Like the two previous diets, she beskrahmalnaya and dairy. It is not suited to everyone, because different organisms and diet may vary. Most importantly for the treatment and prevention of diseases by diet - compliance with the rules. 1-e rule. Do not eat proteins (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) simultaneously with starch (bread, potatoes, rice, peas, beans, etc.). 2-e rule. If possible, avoid liquid food (soup, soup, etc.). Although there is a liquid food is very good and desirable for the diet, the tragedy of the situation that it is absorbed without chewing. This eventually leads to diseases esophageal tract as the food enters the stomach without saliva (ptyalin). Third rule. It should be a very long time to chew food before swallowing. Many suffer from diseases esophageal tract are trying to recover drugs. They do not realize or do not know that any medication will not help, but will only self-discipline. Learn to chew slowly, and many problems in the digestive tract will be corrected. Need to chew 15 to 30 times (sometimes more), depending on the nature and hardness of food. Here are some reasons upon which there is dyspepsia - the initial stage of the disease esophageal tract. With it, it is imperative to deal with, because it then can lead to gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diseases of the small intestines, colitis, etc. By dyspepsia are: 1. Food intake in irregular time. 2. Overeating. 3. Rapid absorption of food. 4. Nervous tension. Let us clarify these points. Item 1 st. Begin to eat at certain times of day and ... dyspepsia pass. If indigestion or gastritis appeared at work in three different shifts, then the only way to end the disease of the esophageal tract - to be employed in one shift. Item 2 nd. Stop eating and be content with a minimal amount of food. Item 3rd. It is similar to the section on chewing, which has already been said. Item 4 th. Calm the nerves of some auto-suggestion and self-discipline, partly correct diet. Eating a mixed diet (as is customary), we are misleading the stomach, because it makes it allocate juice is not quite that of what is needed for the digestion of each product. Washing it down with this blend of sugary drinks for dessert, we disorienting automatic control system the digestive tract. Therefore, the food is poorly digested and the cells were fed the body starve. This contributes to overeating and a set of excess weight. In addition, poorly digested food causing constipation, which in turn leads to self-poisoning organism. To start the natural mechanisms of normalization of digestion and metabolism, the food should start with liquids (water, juice, stewed fruit) or fruit. It is quite common in the West and East. You can also eat raw vegetables without bread. Thanks to this early stomach free from excess mucus, is included in the pancreas and several appetite decreases. Then eat the meat or fish or other protein foods (mushrooms, nuts, beans, milk or milk products, cheese, eggs, poultry, sausages) without bread and garnish. Proteins are well blended with raw vegetables and herbs - cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce. Further, a side dish eaten with bread, according to his needs - starchy, carbohydrate foods. With sweet and drinks after the meal we have to wait an hour and a half, but you can drink a few sips of water or unsweetened tea. For garnish use vegetables instead of pasta. Vegetables should simmer or boil some water. Instead of soup on meat (chicken), fish broth, causing excessive stimulation of digestive glands and exhaustion, eat lean ovoshnye soups. Regular and full bowel movement should be given more attention than is customary. Work intestine is regulated in vegetables, fruits, herbs and herbal teas. To cleanse the body of toxins 1-2 times a week (if no contraindications) should have a drink before dinner warm laxative tea leaf senna or zhostera or other vegetable laxatives or pills on them. The dose is chosen so that the morning of the intestine was freed quite easily (the chair was a pasty). Selection of a laxative is best to start with small doses: '/ 4 teaspoon of herbs in a glass of boiled water or' / 2 tablets. Well add a little mint herb broth. Chew the tablets and drink warm water or a decoction of mint. Importance is a correct diet. The most rational is the 4-time meal. It is very important to ensure the regularity of meals at the same time. The distribution of the food depends on the routine working day. If lunch is taken in due to the work of a break, there are two possibilities diet. The first option. Breakfast at home - 25% of daily calories. Lunch at work - 35%. Snack home at the end of 15%. Dinner (no later than 3 hours before bed) - 25%. The second option. Breakfast at home 30% of daily calories. Lunch at work 35%. Dinner at home 30%, and a small meal before bed - 5% (yogurt, juice, fruit). Some people, accustomed to dining at home, most of the daily diet take after returning from work. In such cases, usually the first breakfast is 20% of daily calories, lunch in a lunch break at work - 25%, dinner at home after returning from work - 35% and dinner - 20%. This version of the diet has several drawbacks from the hygienic point of view. Irrational late lunch and too small a gap in time between lunch and dinner. The major part of the diet (ie, lunch and dinner) is distributed after 18 h, which is unacceptable. Too late dinner contrary to the recommendation, according to which the last meal must take place no later than 2,5-3 hours before bedtime. Thus, it is recommended to eat during working hours no later than 14-15 h. In marked tendency to obesity need to change the diet. Recommended 6 times eating small portions of sufficient volume. Should be widely used apples, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, boiled beets as a snack at the beginning of the dinner to suppress hunger. Private meals even in small quantities suppress appetite and create a feeling of satiety. It is desirable to observe the calm pace of eating, since the slow chewing and swallowing, a feeling of saturation appears earlier than with fast food. Instead, afternoon rest lying is better to walk in the fresh air. For the normalization of body weight can recommend the following approximate daily range of products: bread rye -300 g, sugar 10 g butter - 30 g vegetable oil - 20 grams, milk (including yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus, etc. ) - 300-400 g, low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g, meat and fish - 250-300 g, cereals and pasta - 35-40 g, vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, peas, beets, etc.) - 200 -300 g, fresh fruit - 250-300 g. Caloric given set of products is approximately 2000 kcal. For regular monitoring of the indicative mass (weight) of the body with the growth of man can use a simple form of Broca, according to which weight should be equal to the height (in centimeters) minus 100 on the growth of 155-165 cm, minus 105 at the growth of 166-175 cm, minus 110 with an increase of more than 175 cm has recently become fashionable after excessive fullness of self-starvation. Individuals, resorting to a complete starvation for 3-4 weeks in order to lose weight, bring himself to extreme exhaustion. Fasting without medical examination and control is fraught with serious disturbances in the body.
Source: HudeeMtut site
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