In gastric ulcer can not eat onions, garlic, pickles, red pepper. In diseases of 12 duodenal ulcer - gastritis giperatsidnyh - oranges, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates, grapefruit and viburnum, cabbage juice, walnut, lemon, garlic, radish, raw turnips, plums, horseradish, sorrel. In acute diseases, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract - turnip, cabbage, leeks, onions, garlic, radishes. When colitis and diarrhea - watermelons, grapes, cabbage, walnuts, horseradish. With pancreatitis, enterocolitis - oranges, lemons, radishes, raw turnips, radishes. In cardiovascular diseases - onions, pickles, sorrel. With heart disease with edema and a tendency to fluid retention - watermelon, grapes. Hypertension - grapes, garden purslane. When liver disease - onions, garlic, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, radishes, horseradish, spinach, sorrel. When kidney disease - onions, garlic, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, radishes, horseradish, spinach, sorrel. In chronic renal failure caused by a violation of potassium metabolism - the grapes. When Jade - raspberries, parsley garden. When cystitis - parsley garden. If cholelithiasis - tomatoes, beans. Gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis - beans, figs, raspberries, beans, spinach, sorrel. In diabetes - peaches, rice, beets, prunes. In chronic purulent processes in the lungs - the grapes. With increased blood clotting - corn. Epilepsy - garlic. Source: Source: Journal of Planet HEALTH "at
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