Tuesday, 17 May 2011

How to Lose Weight?

How to Lose Weight?

We must observe the following conditions - within 13 days can not drink alcohol, salt, sugar, without exception, bakery (and pastries, too) products. Between meals - you can drink boiled water or mineral water without any restrictions. And be sure to take vitamins (including domestic production). Diet should stand (!!!) accurately, not trying to change its consistency. And then guaranteed by the stabilization of the metabolism for the next 2 (if not all, 3-4) years. Oh, and one more thing - be in the 13 days to prepare food without salt and regularly (preferably daily) to do an enema. It seems all he said, that is, written. And now, blessed ... Well, actually Diet: Day 1: Breakfast - 8.00 - a cup of black coffee Lunch - 13.30 - 2 hard boiled eggs and salad (200 grams) of cooked cabbage, flavored with vegetable oil and zapity glass of tomato juice. Dinner - 19.00 - 200 grams of boiled fish. Day 2: Breakfast - 8.00 - a cup of black coffee with black toast. Lunch - 13.30 - 200 grams of boiled fish and cabbage salad with oil. Dinner - 19.00 - 200 grams of boiled beef with a glass of kefir. 3rd day: breakfast - black coffee with toast (also black). Lunch - a large roasted squash (can substitute cabbage, if still not tired) and 2 apples. Dinner - 2 eggs + 200 g boiled beef + cabbage salad with oil. 4 th day: breakfast - black coffee (and all!). Lunch - 1 raw egg + 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil + 1915 cheese (from durum). Dinner - Vegetables (2 apple, 1 kiwi and grapefruit) Day 5: Breakfast - cup raw grated carrots with juice from 1 / 4 lemon. Lunch - 200 grams of boiled fish with a glass of tomato juice. Dinner - Vegetables (at your option). 6 th day: breakfast - black coffee (only) Lunch - half a boiled chicken + fresh salad, or grated carrots (200 g). Dinner - 2 eggs + cup grated raw carrots with vegetable oil. Day 7: Breakfast - a cup of warm tea. Lunch - 200 boiled beef + vegetables. Dinner - Vegetables. But ... can choose for themselves a supper of any of the previous days, except the third. Day 8 - similar to the 6 th day. Day 9 - similar to the 5 th day. 10-day - similar to the 4-th day. 11-day - similar to the 3 rd day. 12-day - similar to the 2 nd day. 13th day - similar to the 1 st day. And here is a means to bring themselves into the desired (say right - healthy) state: · Mix dry grape wine and honey in a weight ratio of 2:1. Take 50 g 3 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal - it acts as an excellent diuretic, and if taken with food - that will help get rid of obesity. · * 50 g of seeds Nettle crushed in a powder, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist to 7 days, strain. Take for kidney stones, as a diuretic, obesity, obesity (a way to lose weight for obese) to 30 drops 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. · * In the treatment of obesity - 1 tablespoon of honey stir in 100 ml boiled water at room temperature and then drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Then 2:00 not to eat anything. In the evening, for 2 hours before sleep, again on an empty stomach to drink 100 ml of water dissolved in it a tablespoon of honey. The treatment course is 1 month. After 1-2 week break to repeat the course.

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