Tuesday, 24 May 2011

However, in each of these groups ...

However, in each of these groups ...

However, in each of these groups contain different amounts of drugs, and not all kinds of drugs are interchangeable. Clearly, the pharmacological group with high interchangeability of drugs can be relatively smaller number of items. Otherwise, the pharmacy would have to have at least one package of each drug. Although this range is a perfect, yet it is not always beneficial to the pharmacy in terms of its revenue. To achieve an optimum combination of cost-effectiveness of pharmacy with an assortment of drugs, it is necessary to consider both the profitability of each pharmacological group, and the number of commercially available drugs in this group. The level of profitability all pharmaceuticals can be divided into five types [1]. The first type includes antibiotics and synthetic insulins and antidiabetic means, asthma drugs, tranquilizers, lipid-lowering drugs, and vitamins. Preparations of this type are in high demand and stable as the most cost-effective: they usually provide the pharmacy about 75-80% of daily income. At the next level of profitability are the second type drugs: antiplatelet agents, antiulcer, antianginal, sedatives, antihypertensives, antiparkinsonian, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and antipyretics, analgesics, digestive enzymes, antifungal drugs. The average yield of second kind by approximately 20-25% lower than the first. The third type of pharmaceutical preparations include antispasmodics, nootropics, expectorants, and synthetic antibacterial agents, antithyroid and anti-allergic means. Cost-effectiveness of these drugs half the cost effectiveness of drugs first type. Pharma fourth kind are antiglaucoma, protivoprotozoynye and Antiparasitic products, antiarrhythmics, diuretics, drugs for treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, oral contraceptives, antiepileptic drugs and cough drops. For pharmaceuticals the fifth kind are cardiac glycosides, anti-viral drugs, anti-cataract antidiuretiki and laxatives. The sale of these drugs brings pharmacies very little profit, to the extent, however, gradually increases with the expansion of their range. The basis of sound policy, providing the pharmacy trade in high and stable yield, based on the following rules. Primarily in the range of medicines are encouraged to include drugs of the first kind (a few titles for each farmgruppy), and so that customer demand was met by 30-35%. Similarly to proceed with preparations of the second kind, with the only difference is that their range should meet the demand by 40-50%. Preparations for the third, fourth and fifth of this figure is 50, 60 and 70% [1]. Marketing of medical equipment can be divided into the following sectors: medical products designed for the population (medical equipment for use at home), medical equipment, designed for private practitioners, medical equipment for institutions (regardless of ownership).

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