Sunday, 22 May 2011

In addition, the world's leading ...

In addition, the world's leading ...

In addition, the world's leading pharmaceutical firms are «Sandoz», «Bayer», «Abbott» and other pharmaceuticals market is estimated (1999), more than 208 billion dollars a year. At the same time on the U.S. accounts for 43.3%, Japan - 23.8%, Germany - 7,8%, France - 7,0%, Italy - 4.6%, UK - 4,4%, Spain - 2 7% Canada - 2.3% Brazil - 2.3% Mexico - 2.0% [11]. Volume of sales of medicines in 12 major markets around the world in 1999 (Table 1) amounted to 208.5 billion dollars, 21.2 billion more than in 1998 is projected IMS Health, over the next five years, beginning with 1999, the volume of world pharma market will grow by an average of 8%. The sales volume of drugs on the Russian market in 1999 totaled about 1.8 billion dollars in producers' prices. In this case, up to 37% of this amount (658 million U.S. dollars) accounted for pharmaceutical products, manufactured within the country. By the end of 2000 the volume of the Russian pharmaceutical market grew to 1.9 billion dollars, while the ratio of imported and domestic products continues to slowly move in the direction of foreign drugs. In general, Russia's share in the global pharmaceutical market is very small - according to various estimates, from 0.5 to 1% (for comparison: in 1996-1997. It ranged from 1,5 to 2,5%). Among the ten pharmacological groups of drugs in the world market in terms of sales through pharmacies in 1999 were in the lead agents for the treatment of cardio-vascular system, which retails for 12 major regional markets of the world in 1999 reached 40.8 billion dollars, up 9 % more than in 1998 behind them, according to IMS, followed by drugs acting on the digestive system and metabolism (32.4 billion dollars, + 8%), and for the treatment of patients with disorders of the central nervous system (31,5 billion, + 13%) (Table 2). In 1999, the first place in sales growth out drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (sales increased by 18%). Second place was shared by cytostatics and means acting on the nervous system (increase of 13%). In third place and two groups of drugs - drugs affecting the blood system and blood forming organs, and diagnostic tools (increasing sales by 12%, Table. 2). The market share of cardiovascular drugs ranged from 22.5% in the UK to 31% in France. The largest markets for cardiovascular drugs (in billions of dollars): U.S. - 8.6, France - 3,3, Germany - 2,9, Italy - 2.3, UK - 0.9 [15]. For the market cardiovascular drugs characterized by the fact that beta-blockers are the most widely used in Britain, vasodilators - in France. This is mainly due to differences in medical education and reimbursement of medicines policy, traditions and other factors [15]. The share of North America in total global market of anti-infective is 35%, antibiotics - 33%, anti-virus - 42%, an antifungal - 35%.

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