The very nature has created a product, a necessary and indispensable for feeding, maintenance of human life. Indeed, in milk has everything necessary to sustain life and health of not only children but people of all ages. Milk and dairy products accompany us throughout life. But nature, creating a product to mammals, has not considered some features of the human body. It turns out that every second person in the gut lacks the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose), so they instinctively avoid dairy products made from natural fresh milk. But the same fairy-nature does not leave people in trouble and found the perfect solution: to extend this work special microorganisms, which brilliantly cope with it. This allows the suffering part of mankind, carefully related to the fresh milk used in feeding dairy products. Research, first conducted by our outstanding compatriot II Mechnikov, showed that cultured microorganisms, namely the so-called little helpers of nature, capable not only of this work. They can live and grow in the human intestine, performing many different functions, daruyuschih us health: it is the fight against pathogens and maintain a normal state of their own intestinal microflora, and participation in the processes of digestion and absorption of trace elements, as well as the synthesis of essential vitamins and amino acids , stimulation of the immune system, etc. Thus, dairy products - is "living" foods with limited shelf life, require special storage (at a temperature of +2 to +6 ° C), composed of lactic acid bacteria. Milk products are a source of life and health of people of all ages. They are necessary and children and elderly people, healthy or sick. One of the most remarkable properties of dairy products - the presence of an irreplaceable building material for the body - full of protein and calcium (though the latter in an optimum ratio with other macro-and micronutrients). Lactic cultures are transforming the main milk protein casein, breaking down long chains of protein molecules into shorter, more easily assimilable peptides and amino acids. In addition, the protein in dairy foods easier to digest in the body due to the formation in the acidic environment of small flakes, which are rapidly moving from the stomach into the intestines. This property is especially important for those with atrophic gastritis, gastric motility disorders, and protein deficiency. These macro-and micronutrients of milk, such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc is easily soluble in dairy products, and therefore more bioavailable. A ratio of milk sodium and potassium separate ode - because it is lower than in the normal diet, this unconditional benefit for all hypertensive patients. Pasteurization of milk prior to fermentation can destroy some vitamins, but in the process of fermentation, lactic acid culture re-synthesize some of them, like B vitamins is especially noteworthy in yogurt, which compared to the original milk folic acid can significantly increase. But most importantly - being in dairy products, live lactic acid bacteria are very useful. Once in the human digestive tract in large amounts of dairy products, they improve the balance of intestinal microflora and stimulate the body's immune system, affecting the lymphoid apparatus of the intestine. They are also able to displace from the gut and suppress the proliferation of harmful putrefactive bacteria to prevent diarrhea. There are observations indicating an improvement of microflora in women who regularly consume live yogurt, and candidal vaginitis. For children of all ages dairy products - an obligatory and indispensable component of the diet, thanks to a better compared to other products, comprehensibility, ability to increase resistance against infections, as well as the ability to provide anti-allergic effect. Well aware of the problems today's children, grown on artificial feeding - it's allergies, food intolerance, atopy. Effectiveness of dairy products in the diet of these children proved unequivocally. So it is difficult to do in modern life without dairy products, unless you are a staunch vegetarian. But we must remember that dairy products are tasty and useful not only for us. Since most of them are not sterilized, then if not handled properly they will be exposed to foreign microorganisms, including pathogens that may be out there actively proliferate. An important task of the manufacturer - to create a product is absolutely safe, and modern technologies of milk production and storage of products we guarantee high quality. The consumer actually gets what he promised. To dairy products were only for the benefit, you must strictly observe a certain set of rules throughout the food chain. We must remember that even with the best raw materials and technologies, the most perfect system of control products may lose their properties if the fall in inappropriate conditions. Specific "live" products require special treatment not only for their own safety, but also to preserve those valuable functional properties they possess. Hence, not only in production but in the shop and home living products in need of attention. The first golden rule - keep all perishable foods at temperatures below +6 ° C. But we should not expect that the cooling process is endless. Microbes, both beneficial and foreign, continue to live at low temperature. Useful gradually weaken their action stops, and some outsiders may even breed in the product, including up to dangerous quantities. So do not buy or eat dairy products that have expired. Thus, a third link in the food chain - consumers themselves bear full responsibility for the proper conservation and use of products in the home. To do this, follow some basic rules: · buy perishable milk and milk products containing live lactic cultures, only in stores or departments, equipped with reliable refrigeration equipment, where you can give clear information about the product, the date of its formulation, shelf life, storage conditions and so on; · store dairy products in a refrigerator at a temperature specified on the label; · use the products within 12 hours after opening, continuing to deposit the unused portion in the refrigerator; • If the conditions for storage of food at this temperature, there is no use them immediately also, do not leave a reserve.
Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. " № 5, September-October 2002
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