Under the process assumes the characteristics of aid, including its validity, adequacy of volume, the manifestation of competence in carrying out treatment methods, coherence and continuity. Exodus describes the result of the assistance provided in respect of patient's health status, including changes in his consciousness and behavior, patient satisfaction with medical and nursing care, biological changes of the disease, complications of treatment, morbidity and mortality. Advantages and disadvantages of quality indicators in each of the three regions compared in Table 1. The structure is of particular interest to accrediting organizations (eg, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care - Joint Comission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations). As a result, information on the structure more accessible and more unified estimated than data about the process and outcome. However, the structure may be very little to do with the process or outcome [13]. Many clinicians consider the process of rendering medical assistance to the most direct and valuable tool for assessing the quality: "quality" - it means the right actions performed at the right time. Significant limitation for the assessment process, however, lies in the fact that little is known about the optimal course of medical treatment or the significance of deviations from accepted methods of treatment. Only a small percentage of methods of diagnosis and treatment were studied in epidemiological studies, and an even smaller number evaluated in randomized clinical trials. Even the results of well-conducted studies are often vague, contradictory, or apply a very limited part of the patients. Excluding direct observation, which is almost always impractical, the gold standard assessment process - a study of history or collection of data by filling in the form of questionnaires by medical professionals. Table 1. Comparison of the values ??of indicators for measuring health care.
On the evolution of physician-patient relationship
six destiny IA MD, department head of the Vladimir Regional Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund, professor of BMI, Vladimir State University examining the current trends in medicine, we must assume that the development of national health care, along with other characteristics determined by changes in the essence of traditional relationship between doctor and patient. These relations are today a greater extent than in the period of Soviet development of society, filled with economic components, are beginning to acquire a liberal marketing entity. In addition to the classical definitions, a doctor, a specialist in helping with the loss of physical and mental health, birth attendants and prolong life, relieve suffering, the suffering - begins to speak, to a greater or lesser degree, as a manufacturer of medical services and the seller of the work and its results.
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