When first mooted attack or exacerbation of gout, it is first necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of meat and fish broth, soups, fatty fish and meat, the meat of young animals, the internal organs of animals and birds move mainly in liquid foods (milk, lactic products, fruit drinks, jelly, fruit and vegetable juices, especially citrus juices are shown, vegetable soups, thin porridge). It is important to remember observing the extended drinking regime, the total amount of liquid should be about 2 liters, if no contraindications to the cardiovascular system. Recommended therapeutic tablespoons of water with an alkaline reaction: Slavyanovskaya, "Smirnoff" Novoterskaya, Borjomi. Light diet is shown as sick and because they often occur dyspeptic symptoms which are caused by massive drug therapy. Without exacerbation patients also should not relax because Gout - chronic disease. Those who once suffered an attack of gout, remembers him with horror, that the pain is really hellish. And in order to prevent a recurrence, it is necessary to monitor the power supply. Meat and fish dishes is desirable to use no more than twice a week, and only boiled. The need for animal protein provided by milk and dairy products low fat. In order to alkalinization in nutrition administered citrus juices (paradoxically, despite the sour taste, they also contribute to changes in acid-base balance towards alkaline) and alkaline mineral water. You can also use tea (green, herbal), fruit drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, kvass. Diet - a fractional, 4-5 times a day between meals - drink. Featured products and dishes Bread and flour products: bread, wheat and rye, pita, pita, pasta from durum wheat flour, biscuit. Excluded articles of fancy and puff pastry. Meat and Poultry: lean, 1-2 times a week, boiled. Boiling meat and poultry leads to transfer the stock to 50% in products of purines. Fish: lean, 1-2 times a week (perch, pike, perch, pollock). Dairy: low-fat milk, dairy products and low-fat cottage cheese, dishes of cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of cheese. Eggs: two eggs a week, in any form of cooking. Fat: vegetable oils - olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil (0.5 tablespoons per day), a piece of butter (size of no more than a hazelnut, a day). Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal. Vegetables: any cooking, except for peas, beans, spinach, cauliflower. Limited intake of pickled vegetables. Excluded marinades. Soups: vegetable, dairy, fruit. Fruits: diverse, except raspberries and figs. Patients with overweight should be aware of the high caloric content of grapes and melons. If gout is not recommended to eat: liver, kidney and meat of young animals, deli meats, canned meats, greasy, salty, smoked fish, canned fish, chicken, mushroom broth, beans, spinach, cauliflower, raspberries, figs, chocolate, cocoa, strong tea and coffee. Purine content in 100 grams of food high (150-1000 mg): Chicken Liver Veal Kidneys Language Broth Smoked Sardines Anchovies Smoked Moderate (50-150 mg): Meat Fish Brains pig lard mussels, crabs, Soya Beans Peas Cauliflower Spinach Sorrel Mushrooms Low (0-15 mg): Milk Cheese Egg Eggs Fish Bread Cereals Vegetables Fruits Nuts Honey patients with gout, overweight, recommended to carry out unloading days. It is helpful to use a contrasting diets low in purines, such as cottage cheese, kefir (400 g low-fat cottage cheese and 500 g low-fat yogurt), milk or kefir (1,2 l / day), vegetables (1.5 kg of vegetables in any set except the forbidden), fruit (1.5 kg of apples and oranges), if there are no contraindications. However, treatment of hunger in such patients is contraindicated. Fasting in the first days leads to increased concentration of uric acid in the blood with the subsequent development of a gout attack. Below is an approximate one-day menu with a lower energy value for a patient suffering from gout and overweight. First breakfast: Baked cottage cheese salad with beets and apples with a vegetable oil tea with milk Snack: orange, banana Lunch: Vegetarian Borscht with sour cream 10% fat bran bread (1 piece) Zrazy potato jelly fruit juice Green tea Snack: A glass of 1% Two buttermilk bread "Elizabeth" with fruit jam Dinner: Macaroni and cheese (low fat), Chinese cabbage salad with cucumber and tomato, seasoned with vegetable oil tea with lemon Integrated use of dietary and drug therapy, physical therapy and physical therapy can usually , to achieve relief of attacks of gout or weakening it, as well as reducing the frequency of exacerbations of the disease and improve motor function of the joints.
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