Sunday, 5 June 2011

Food instead of drugs - the bread good man

Food instead of drugs - the bread good man

Environmental issues, the rapid pace of living, poor nutrition have had a detrimental impact on human health, leading to accumulation of toxins and wastes and the emergence of the so-called syndrome samointoksikatsii, which is fertile ground for the development of various diseases. Use of medicines adds "slags" the body and leads mainly to the elimination of symptoms. Eliminate as the cause of disease drugs virtually impossible. From full-fledged work of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is dependent functioning of the whole organism. You can rightly say that the main cause of almost all disease is a disturbance in the digestive tract. Modern refined foods, which has no dietary fiber in the required for the normal functioning of the number, causes the intestine to be lazy, making it sluggish. By age 40 a person accumulates from 5 to 20 kg of fecal stones and rotting mass. Not overcooked food debris begin to ferment, rot, decompose, forming toxins and giving shelter to pathogenic bacteria. The barrier function of intestinal walls as a result of an extremely weak and many poisons, toxins and wastes enter the blood and the blood flow are spread throughout the body. In addition, because of the abundance of pathogens and reduce the defenses of intestinal walls, infected nearby organs and are involved in various chronic processes. Intoxicated intestine - is not only a problem of dysbiosis, weakening the immune and endocrine systems, disturbance of metabolism and blood circulation, but also a shift, compression of the chest, abdomen and pelvic area, which also leads to disruption of their functioning.

PATTERN DEPOSITION slag wall of the large intestinal

congestion in any part of the colon leads to pathological processes in the projected on it body. These processes can not fully pass, even after prolonged treatment. After the infection, poisoning everything around, remains intact. That is why we must not treat specific symptoms and do not stuff the body with antibiotics and other drugs and eliminate the causes of disease. It is obvious that not normalizing diet, do not cleanse the body of toxins and impurities, it is impossible to cure the disease. Eliminate perennial foci of infection is very difficult, but this challenge will help to cope bread "good man", if you include it in the diet instead of yeast breads and patience and consistency in their quest for improvement and change in quality of life. Bread "good man" as an attentive and conscientious "caretaker" will begin a thorough clean up of the gastrointestinal tract throughout its length from mouth to rectum. This task can not handle widespread cleansing enemas. Bread "good man" differs significantly from all bakery products presented on the market today that is made without yeast, no flour, no preservatives from seed embryos of wheat and wheat bran (dietary fiber). Bread "good man" is a powerful sorbent alive, actively removes toxins and wastes, helps to normalize the metabolic processes in the human body and provides to all its systems and organs of the most beneficial. He is a health-care product, because in its high content of dietary fiber, no carbohydrates, and not deplete your body of yeast. It is composed of vitamins B, PP, E, and trace elements: calcium, silicon, magnesium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium are natural proishozhde6niya. Development of bread "good man" is protected by a patent for the invention of the Russian Federation, was awarded the Gold Medal Exhibition Center "for a practical contribution to improving the health of Russians, with gold medals for winning the contest" Healthy Food "and" Best Product of diabetic market in Russia. " Bezmedikamentozny way to restore health through bread "good man" is included in a multi-volume reference book "Diagnostic and wellness technologies of regenerative medicine", released by the Centre of Restorative Medicine and Balneotherapy Health Ministry. "Russia Dietetic Association recommends the use of bread" good man "as a component of the treatment of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Experience with patients of different age groups showed that a simple introduction into the diet of bread "good man", resulting in serious positive changes in the body. Even in elderly patients lying sick, disabled, suffering from long-standing chronic constipation, intestinal peristalsis is restored almost in the first week. In carrying out repeated biochemical assays for a number of patients were reported reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides, as a result began to stabilize blood pressure. A few patients, along with chronic digestive diseases, diabetes mellitus type II and the accompanying obesity, there was a reduction of sugar level to normal and its subsequent stabilization. Per month, these patients lost 2 to 5 pounds overweight. Make sure your skin tightened and become a healthy hue. Despite the pronounced clinical effect, the bread "good man" has no contraindications nor by age or illness, except for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage. It can be used by anyone instead of bread and bakery products in one package a day as a means of prevention and rehabilitation of diseases. For pupils and students - a means of prevention of gastritis. Very good results are obtained by the inclusion of bread "good man" in the diet of pregnant women, because the patched one of the decisive moments of the normal fetal development and maternal well-being is a healthy digestive system and the timely removal of feces. High adsorption ability and disinfecting of bread "good man" to help nursing mothers to ensure their baby enough milk Allergy. Bread "good man" has been successfully used for prevention and treatment of digestive diseases and cardiovascular diseases associated with sedentary lifestyle experts of different profiles: bank employees, employees working on the computer, pupils, students, drivers of motor vehicles, workers 'hazardous' industries etc. Just one slice of bread "good man" enough to eliminate the hunger for 3-4 hours, which contributes to the smooth reduction of excess body weight without adverse effects on the body. Extremely useful bread "good man" for people involved in sport. It helps in the full sense of saturation and lightness in the stomach with no problems to participate in competitions, performances and engage in exercises that form the shape. Bread "good man" - is shaping power. Introduction to the diet of bread "good man" will ensure a beautiful feeling you and your family for years! Bread "good man" sold in stores in Moscow. For more information, call (495) 517-20 58 8-926-247-0440 E-mail:

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