Sunday, 19 June 2011

GURMANichnoe food: tasty, cool and useful!

Talking about healthy eating, first of all we have in mind a diverse diet, the right balance in its fat, protein and carbohydrate, sufficient vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber. It is this power, and people tend to gray hair preserving physical and mental health. After all, no wonder a large number of studies devoted to the diets of centenarians. Scientists are sent to the Caucasus, Tibet, Japan, to understand what people are eating there, the remaining work and continued clarity of mind in very old age. But, of course, there are certain food components that are characteristic for certain long-lived people. That's what these tasty "secret material" to me today and I wanted to tell you. The most interesting thing is that healthy food, it turns out very tasty ... and even fashionable. Numerous restaurants are Japanese and Chinese cuisine, the fascination with the Mediterranean diet, nutritionists inspire confidence in the longevity and health of this generation. A large number of fish, seafood, vegetables ifruktov, green tea - this is just what you need. That fish, not meat should be the main carrier protein component for the older age category. The amount of protein in fish is approximately equal to that in the flesh of warm-blooded animals, it contains all the essential amino acids with a well-balanced relation. The protein of the connective tissue of fish is about 5 times smaller than in warm-blooded, and elastin (the protein defective muscle tissue) is virtually absent. Proteins of fish compared to meat protein significantly better digested by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract and well digested. Polyunsaturated fatty acids found in oily sea fish and salmon, hinder the development of atherosclerosis. Previously it was thought that strengthening the cardiovascular system of men need to eat fish almost several times a week. However, studies have shown that for the prevention of stroke, the stronger sex should be included in their menu fish at least once a month. This is very encouraging news for those who are seriously worried about his health, but at the same time experiencing the fish sustained hostility. But "fragile" women's bodies as fish need air, and to reduce the risk of stroke, they need to eat fish more often than men. Studies have shown that those of the fair sex, who ate 115 grams of fish 2-4 times a week, the risk of stroke was 48% lower than those which included fish in their diet only once a week and less. In addition to stroke prevention, eating fish helps to elevate mood, because fish is very rich in trace elements: phosphorus, calcium, zinc and magnesium. With a lack of magnesium people are particularly acute beginning to react to stressful situations, irritated and become aggressive, or, conversely, tearful. In turn, the nervous tension promotes the "washout" of magnesium from the body. A vicious circle and prevent this from happening, you must include in your diet foods that contain magnesium. In addition to fish (especially salmon), high magnesium differ peas, almonds, figs, coarse-grained bread and chocolate. Chocolate also contains substances that are responsible for good mood and being natural aphrodisiac (increases sexual desire). French nutritionists recommend that their patients consume 1-2 chocolates a day, or 1 / 4 chocolate bar. But not only with the "amorous" goals. Chocolate contains bioflavonoids, which protect against cardiovascular disease. Apparently, the French carefully listen to the advice of their dieticians. Annual consumption of chocolate in France reached 403 thousand tons per year. This represents 16% of the total European market and put France into third place in the passion for this sweet goods after Germany and the UK. Every resident of France, eats an average of about 7 kg of sweets, 94% of French people consume chocolate at least once a week, and 44% - every day. Contrary to popular belief, men are far ahead of women in this area. In percentage terms, the most sweet-toothed seen among the engineering staff. France is known not only as a country of high fashion, but also as a country of haute cuisine. The famous French cheeses, fatty goose liver foie gras is not only tasty, but dense. How did the French gourmets have managed to avoid various cardiovascular diseases, which must be faithful companions of dietary excesses? Indeed, in France a lot of long-lived and low mortality from cardiovascular diseases. This fact was called "French paradox". Truth, as it turned out - at the bottom of a glass of red wine. In the city of Nancy and its suburbs from 1978 to 1995 were surveyed 36,250 people aged 40 to 60 years. Of them died in 3600, and basically it was the absolute non-drinkers. Here I want to touch the slippery for a Russian theme: to drink or not drink, but if you drink, then to what extent. It is no secret that in our country any publication of the beneficial properties of alcohol gives the drinker the opportunity gladly cover it as a shield, their vices. I believe in you, the reader is "prevention" - do not like that! That is to Homo sapiens are turning their words and cite the facts. And they are: how scientists have found William Harvey Research Centre at the London School of Medicine, the key to the "French phenomenon" is the presence in red wine special compounds - polyphenols. Under its influence the peptide is formed, which strengthens the inner walls of arteries, preventing blood clots and have powerful antioxidant effects, reducing the risk of cancer. Simultaneously reduces the formation of polyphenol another peptide - endofelina-1, which negatively affects the vascular wall. Studies have shown that polyphenols contained in red wines, so popular in France. It is also present in grape juice, but in very low concentrations. It is the fermentation process leads to increased levels of polyphenols. The richest polyphenol wine made from grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon. Red wine is popular around the Mediterranean coast. Favor of the "therapeutic dose" of red wine from household drinking and alcoholism, it separates the "culture of drinking." Exceeding the daily dose of 55 grams of pure alcohol, which is 350 grams of beer, or 100 g of wine, or a stack of liquor, leads to serious consequences. French winemakers believe, the most severe test for the body - is the use of alcoholic beverages in the evening. The results of the Dutch scholar, published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, also suggest that daily consumption of this dose of alcohol significantly reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age and other mental disabilities. This is especially effective for people over 55 years. According to the group of researchers, moderate alcohol consumption promotes the development of a particular protein in the body in charge of the active brain cells and better assimilate information, memory and attention. At the same time, large amounts of alcohol can trigger a backlash and to prevent the provision of an adequate brain substance. And finally: more than 70,000 nurses aged 25 to 42 years for a number of years, reported about their way of life for researchers. Established that for women the most beneficial in preventing the development of hypertension was beer, although this issue still needs further elaboration. However, as acknowledged by the scientists themselves, it might be in a healthy way of life, so that small doses of alcohol are not a hindrance. Established that the hops (the basis of beer) and wine (the base wine) contain plant hormones, that is, substances that act like female sex hormones, but lack the side effects of synthetic hormones. Thus, in the hop plant contains estrogen, which protects the skin from wrinkling and maintain the elasticity of the chest. Hops can be used as part of herbal mixtures (remember that it also provides a soothing and hypnotic effect). Drinking grape juice brings in a woman's active ingredients, which occupy a place on the receptors of hormone-dependent cells, designed to estrogen. Thus, lacking the activity of estrogen can not stimulate the growth of tumor cells. Moving toward lowering the degree of drinks for longevity and talk about yogurt, which contains from 0.2% to 0.6% alcohol. But at the dose of yogurt debate among nutritionists is not observed. Here scientists are unanimous - drink as he wants. Kefir - a fermented milk diet product produced by fermentation of milk to ferment, which is prepared on the kefir grains, causing lactic acid and alcohol (hence the degree) fermentation. The secret to making yogurt purchased from us, even the Japanese. Proved that the bacteria found in this valuable product, falling into the intestines, greatly reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, yogurt contains lecithin, which has a positive effect on memory. Another milk product, which enjoys a well-deserved title of "healthy products" - it's yogurt. This title is clear to all residents of Western Europe, Turks, Greeks. In our country most of the Turkic-speaking peoples - the Tatars, Bashkir, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Azeris and Turkmens-Tekintsi - call it "katyk. The Armenians, he is called "matsun, the Georgians -" sour milk ", the Tajiks - churgot. In Egypt, you will be offered "Leben" in Iran - "Suit" in India - "dahi", Sicily - metsorad. However, wherever this product is identical in composition and taste. Its formation involves specific microorganisms that bear the name "Bulgarian bacillus", and some thermophilic (heat loving) streptococci. Yogurt as yogurt, improves resistance to infections, prevents putrefactive fermentation in the gut. According to cosmetologists, the daily consumption of cups of yogurt or kefir strengthens nails and hair, as the biotin contained in these products plays an important role in the formation of keratin. With pride I want to bring to your attention one more drink of longevity derived from fermentation. It's about kvass. Doctors in Austria have proposed lovers of coffee, wine, beer and Coca-Cola to introduce into your diet kvass. Value kvass that it contains useful enzymes, vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. Present in kvass copper enhances the work of the liver cells that produce bile. The beneficial properties of magnesium have already mentioned. Calcium is essential for bones and nervous system. Renowned Austrian specialist on healthy lifestyles, "Mr. Health" H. Bankofer argues that living in kvass bacteria very quickly "to straighten out" with the mushrooms. When buying kvass sure to pay attention to the label, there must be the words "fermented beverage" and part of kvass necessarily include sugar. Another drink that gained national status - it is tea, though he came to us from China. Tea not only quenches the thirst well and gives a good mood, but it causes appetite, has beneficial effects on the stomach, has anti-inflammatory properties. Tea contains a variety of alkaline minerals, which contribute to normalization of metabolic processes. He brings in vitamins C and P, contributing to the enhancement of the vascular wall. Tannin, the specific substances contained in tea, helps to remove excess amount of melanin, the pigment normalizing metabolism and improves intestinal peristalsis, helping to cope with constipation. In Japanese and Chinese provinces, where consume a lot of green tea, are practically non-cancerous diseases of the skin. A moderate amount of caffeine contained in tea, also stimulates metabolism, reduces fatigue and improves concentration. Another component of tea - flavonoids. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the beneficial effects on heart muscle. Tradition of drinking tea is famous for not only the East, but also good old England. London newspaper Independent published an amazing facts on the study involving nearly 2000 people. All these people have suffered a myocardial infarction, and immediately after discharge from hospitals were extensively interviewed physicians about their diet, in particular, it was about tea. It turned out that 1019 people do not like this drink, 615, eat moderately and 266 "cores" have declared their "tea" passion. The second survey was carried out in four years, and by this time of the surveyed earlier patients from recurrent myocardial 313 people died. As a result, found that the smallest losses were aficionados of tea, and mortality in moderate fans of flavored drink was 3 times lower than people who do not drink tea. Every second in the world consumed 15,000 cups of tea. And until recently the French have made a small contribution to this number. But after the evidence of joint use of chocolate and tea and France went into their "new tea to know." Although, unlike the eastern tea fans who believe that the tea does not seize up (it kills the taste), the French went the other way (and this way closer to the Russian tradition) - drink tea vprikusku. According to J. Broshar, chairman of the French club tea drinkers need to rely on food traditions. Please note that virtually every one of products that contribute to longevity, has a positive effect on mood. This is no accident. The research, conducted by the British Food and Mood («Food and Mood"), showed that recovery diet 80% of respondents said that feel better, while 25% reported disappearance of depression, anxiety and mood swings. The greatest positive effect was noted in those who reduced their consumption of sugar and coffee, increased consumption of fish, vegetables and fruits. Japanese scientists from the University of Kanazawa found that frequent in old age, dementia, and glaucoma are due to circulatory disorders, such as a result of atherosclerosis, which leads to the death of nerve cells. The mechanism of this process is still not fully understood, but they believe that the blame for everything excess enzyme to facilitate cleavage of proteins. Vitamin B6, according to the researchers, blocking the activity of these enzymes, protecting neurons. Experiments in macaques have inspired scientists, and they recommend to use bananas, beans, cereals, egg yolk and cod liver oil, rich in vitamin B6. As already noted, useful product necessarily has a positive effect on mood. And foods that contain vitamin B6, are no exception, since this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of natural anti-depressants - dopamine and norepinephrine. Talking about the benefits of fruits and vegetables can be infinite. Give preference to one and not to mention others - constitutes a crime. Fiber, vitamins, mineral plant pigments, flavonoids, carotenoids, catechins, terpenoids, anthocyanins, glikozinolaty, saponins - all of these bioactive substances make fruits and vegetables welcome guests at our table. They oppose the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease, the body is removed from radionuclides and heavy metals, providing an antioxidant effect and stimulates the metabolism, improve immunity. They improve appetite and promote digestion. It is important not only that there is, but when there is. To maintain health and good shape should always eat breakfast. As a result of proper and regular morning feeding more than 3000 Americans (in this country obesity was close on the dangers of smoking and almost a threat number 1 for health) lost 30 pounds and maintained their body weight at that level. In the diet of people who participated in the study consisted of dishes with low fat and rich in carbohydrates. According to experts, breakfast at the forefront of daily intake of food by man. A full breakfast is good satisfies hunger and helps prevent overeating during the day. Recommended to make a breakfast of three product groups: complex carbohydrates (bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals), protein (milk, yogurt, fish, eggs), a little fat (eg cheese, low fat). It is important not only to the inclusion of the right and the right products in the menu, but the pleasure of food and beverages. The country in which to really know how to please your taste buds - France. It is in this country was widely supported international movement to promote gastronomy and culture of winemaking and wine consumption, "Slow Food" ("slow food") as opposed to "fast food" ("fast food"). Movement founded in the 80 years to resist the pernicious habit of eating hamburgers and hot dogs. Gradually, the problem of motion expanded, and now his motto - "to strive for the full development of food culture, production and consumption of wine, as well as the biological diversity of the product." I am pleased to join this noble movement. Want to make one more rule: do not have in front of TV. Established that 2-3 hours per day spent watching television, twice the propensity to obesity and increase the risk of diabetes. This is explained by the fact that overreliance on television entails a trail of negative eating habits. The more time a person (usually female) spends in front of a blue screen, the more it absorbs chips, sandwiches with sausage, sweets and other foods containing fats or carbohydrates bystrousvoyaemye. But fruits and vegetables, health benefits, among inveterate viewers popular for some reason do not enjoy. Harvard researchers believe that watching television should be less than 10 hours per week and free time is better spent on a walk. Keeping these simple rules - a balanced diet, including "longevity products", not smoking, mandatory physical activity for the body and "fitness" for the head (collecting, reading, writing a family chronicle, tours and travel), you will not only extend life, but also to feel a fresh taste it. That is what me and would like to wish all our readers in the new year.

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