Carrot crop (Ogorodnaya) Daucus sativus Rochl. Umbelliferae. There are many cultivars of carrots. Birthplace of carrots is the Mediterranean. Cultivated everywhere. Root vegetables contain sugar (15%), fatty oil (up 0.7%), nitrogenous compounds, mineral salts, asparagine, umbelliferone, flavonoids (up to 0,13%), enzymes (amylase, invertase, protease, linazu, peroxidase, catalase), pigments (carotene, phyto, fitofluen, lycopene), vitamins (provitamin A, B1, B2, C, PP), acid (folic and pantothenic), as well as iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, copper, magnesium, silicon , cobalt and other trace elements. Carrot Ogorodnaya improves digestion, increases lactation in nursing women, promotes release of sand and small stones with urolithiasis and has tonic, laxative and diuretic effect, and reinforces the work of the sex glands, activates intracellular redox processes, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, promotes epithelialization, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing effect. Seeds have anthelminthic and protivobrodilnym action. Carrots as vitamins and mineralsoderzhaschee plant is very widely used in anemia and beriberi, chronic fatigue syndrome and loss of strength. From carrot seeds daukarin receive medication that dilates coronary arteries and has antispasmodic effects. It is used in atherosclerosis, angina. It should be noted that, to use every day for 80-100 grams of fresh grated carrots in the form, the patients gain weight and become less susceptible to infectious complications and diseases. Improves the color of skin. Carrots are not recommended for use in inflammation of the small intestine, acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Therapeutic use Infusions 1. Take 1 tablespoon of parsley and carrot tops (1:1) and pour 250 ml boiling water, for 2 hours in a sealed container (not metal). Drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals with kidney stones and hemorrhoids. 2. Take 1 tablespoon of carrot seeds sowing and pour 250 ml boiling water, infuse 12 hours in a closed vessel in a warm place; strain. Take the form of heat with 10 ml 5-6 times daily before meals with nephrolithiasis and as a carminative. Juice of fresh carrot juice with honey (in water) 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day to take for coughs, and hoarseness, and kidney stones, hemorrhoids, vitamin deficiency, anemia (anemia). Children are encouraged to take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach with diarrhea and as a anthelminthic (for pinworm). Carrot juice has long been rinsing the mouth and oropharynx with inflammatory diseases and grease cavity oropharynx in children with thrush. Dressings with freshly grated carrots or carrot juice makes for a long time in thermal skin lesions (burns and frostbite), and long-term healing of purulent wounds and ulcers, inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Carrot has a property to clean the wounds and sores of pus, reduces inflammation and answering rebuked the pain, promotes more rapid healing of wounds. Paste of grated carrots: 3 tablespoons grated carrot seed pour 250 ml of milk and boil. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals in the same cases as in the use of carrot juice. By the way, carrot face mask: when the dry skin of the face make carrot mask. For this, 2.3 taproots were washed and Grate, mixed with one egg yolk and applied a thin layer on the skin. After 20-25 minutes wash off a lot of swab moistened with warm water. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Author: doctor Source: Journal of Planet HEALTH "№ 55, September 21, 2005 on the site
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