Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The price paid for dinner

The price paid for dinner

Especially dangerous is that most people eat the foods listed in significant amounts mainly at night. In fact, if a person ate and slept, then in the body simulates the situation of type 2 diabetes: a huge amount of glucose enters the blood, but the muscles - the main consumer of glucose - does not work, so the glucose remains in the blood and causes excessive production of insulin. In order to save the sleeper from glucose toxicity, insulin directs the flow of glucose in the liver and at the same time activates the enzymes that convert glucose into fat, then raznosyaschiysya blood through the body and leads to obesity predominantly male pattern. In this case, fat is stored in the abdomen that is most dangerous. That obese male pattern provokes the development of diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Late dinner adversely affect the endocrine system. Nature is conceived so that the day a person draws the basic energy from carbohydrates, and night to maintain body temperature, heart, lungs and other internal organs consumed energy from fat depots. To this end the day with a meal the pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which helps the combustion of carbohydrates and saves the fats are deposited in fat depots. At night, an endocrine gland - pituitary gland - produces growth hormone, which provides burn fat. Organism sparingly spends its fat stores. In the case of a late supper is produced, as already indicated, a large amount of insulin, which "indicates" the pituitary, that the food in the body arrived and there is no need to spend a night on the energy needs of the precious fat stores. Therefore, the pituitary gland at night will not produce much growth hormone. But this is a very unfortunate situation. And not only that night a person does not lose weight a bit, as it should be by nature. Do growth hormone many other functions. Its receptors are found on almost all body cells. And if the night the growth hormone produced by little, the whole body suffers. However, he rapidly grow old. Growth hormone - a hormone of youth. When the pituitary gland produces a lot of growth hormone, the teenagers grow up and tend to feel good. But usually, after 35 years of growth hormone is gradually reduced and parallel to the body is withering. Late dinner, reducing the secretion of growth hormone, dramatically accelerates the natural aging process. Late supper is dangerous and that it is often disturbed sleep. According to recent research conducted in Sweden, a chronic lack of sleep plays in the development of obesity even bigger role than obesity. And the reason is in many ways, again, is to endocrine disorders. When a person sleeps poorly, the pineal gland (epiphysis) produces little sleep hormone - melatonin. A vicious circle. Late dinner disrupts sleep and melatonin production, and insufficient production of melatonin further disrupts sleep. Usually slept badly people tend to overeat. And what happens directly in the gut late dinner Rights, in particular in his duodenum, which opens the duct that carries bile from the liver and enter proenzyme of the pancreas? At night, the duodenum, as well as the brain, "sleep", and the stomach continues to work. Therefore, if a person has eaten shortly before bedtime, the stomach is reduced and a portion pushes the bolus into the duodenum, which "sleeps" and move the food farther can not. As a result, it is stretched. But once the food entered the duodenum, then it goes signals to the liver and pancreas, which in response produce and direct "in the duodenum bile and corresponding enzymes. However, the bile can not really get into the duodenum stuffed with food and stagnates in the gall bladder. Over time this leads to the formation of gallstones and inflammation of the gallbladder (calculous cholecystitis). Even more dangerous when the zymogen pancreatic fall into the duodenum, there are activated, turn to the enzymes, and then thrown back into the pancreas. This leads to the development of pancreatitis, diabetes, and even necrosis (necrosis) of the pancreas. Impaired night digesting food helps reproduction of putrefactive microflora, the emergence of dysbiosis, allergies, intoxication. So, have dinner early. But how to restrain himself from eating at night? Here are some rules: Keep a food diary and fill it immediately after dinner, put on the plate all you need to eat, and then do not add anything, eat slowly, and after returning home, be sure to dinner it off stress (hot or cold douche - to whom that soul) Follow the program: walk the dog, playing with children, a fascinating detective story, a fitness center, swimming pool, sauna, videos, computer games, internet. Many people, especially with a big imagination, or is seriously suffering from various ailments, is pleasant in itself thought that by abandoning the late dinner, they will help your endocrine system to produce the magic hormones (growth hormone, melatonin), they will slowly grow old, become more slender, attractive, healthy. If you treat the evening as the hunger for beautiful sverhusiliyam that will help change the health and lives for the better, then transferred it will be easy.

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