This is the most ethanol is considered a normal product of metabolism of the human body. At intake, he with the blood flow is spread throughout "inner space", but focuses very selectively - for example, in the cerebrospinal fluid it is 5-10 times higher than in blood. Their effects by ethanol prefer to exercise in tissues rich in water. As with everything that enters the body from the outside, exposed to ethyl alcohol enzymatic processing - under the influence of a specific enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, he turns into the so-called acetaldehyde. The latter is 8-10 times more active than ethanol and has a nasty property to interfere in many enzymatic reactions alter the work of cells, especially nerve. Ethanol and acetaldehyde - a kind of "chemical pole" of alcohol: if you are connected to the first fun and good mood, the second directly "responsible" for the headache and the "hangover" in general. It must be noted that as the enzyme digestion had drunk alcohol, the amount of ethanol is continuously decreasing and the amount of acetaldehyde increases. Simply put, less fun, and headaches - all the more. You can, of course, continuously (every 5-6 hours), add a glass or two, but this state at all desire it is difficult to recognize the physiological, moreover - in medicine, and "the people" its exactly called the "drunkard." Speaking about the processing of alcohol by the body, it is worth mentioning another important for the fate of ethanol enzyme - catalase muscle. By its title it is quite possible to guess that most rich in these enzyme cross-striated (skeletal) muscles. Maybe someone from the readers noticed that the intense physical work, or tangible "chill" environment may contribute significantly to protrezvleniyu - at least from these considerations, the poor fellow, to be delivered to the famous era of stagnation Sobering-up stations, immediately "prescribed" is pretty harsh "water treatment". Physiological excursions can be supplemented by a pair of points: the effects of alcohol depend largely on how efficiently it is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and how intensively is sucked ethanol elimination from the body. By adjusting these parameters, we can make some "accountability" insidious substance - at least, to avoid the highly undesirable confusions during the feast. Well, of course, the status of your earthly body during libations depends on the quantity and quality of drinking, as well as from what it was all jammed and drink - these moments can either facilitate or complicate the process of alcohol metabolism in the body. Now, when designated "key figure" and "rules" of gambling, picks a person and alcohol during any meal, you can talk about tactics. For a start - a few words about the quality of drinking. In general, it is perfectly clean only 96-degree medical rectified spirit. Everything else, even my own "Russian", contains additives, without which the production of the "product" is simply impossible. In "Capital" is from a nearby kiosk or "Absolute" Caucasian filling can and does contain a decent amount of amyl, propyl, butyl and other alcohols (as well as substances, referred to as fusel oils). Aldehydes, resulting in the body of these alcohols, acetic acid is much stronger - so that, by choosing high-quality alcohol, you have much easier for themselves the progress of the "party". On the possible impurities of methyl alcohol (receive 50 grams of which can lead to total blindness), I did not say, because this is not the game. To a question about the number of drinking must be approached individually - dosa letalis at everyone, and it is measured in grams, glass or glass only after the fact, when resuscitation already painted in his impotence. During the same feast to focus on "displacement" makes no sense - feel that enough is enough then. Do not miss the "moment of truth" allows you to avoid drinking from a large dish, and the regulation of pace - faster than a man drinks, the more unexpected coming "off." Does not interfere to remember that the best compromise with alcohol achieved in the case when a man during a feast uses only one of its kind - whether it's vodka, wine, whiskey or brandy. It makes sense to guard against "risky" cocktail - recipe of the latter may be a spur of the moment people far from gourmandise. Why should some of us even another reminder of the so-called "ershah" or "Northern Lights"! Should not dilute the alcohol carbonated beverages (cola, sprite, etc.) - they contain bubbles enhance peristalsis and improve the absorption of substances in the blood. Now a few details about the hors d'oeuvres. Everyone knows that fasting intoxication occurs quickly, ethanol literally thumps on the head, its effects reach a maximum at lightning speed. Explained all of this is simple: that failed (or rather shed) into the stomach, just a few minutes turns into blood. If a person is not only drinking but also bites - the rate of absorption of alcohol reduces the process of intoxication becomes controllable. Conclusion suggests itself: do not want to "face the salad - a good snack. What? Biochemists are recommended for this purpose, use plenty of cheese. Cheese - a product rich in protein and methionine (an amino acid with hepatoprotective properties and helps the liver to cope with toxic chemicals). By the way, long before the science of biochemistry, people with highly developed "culture of drinking" was used as a traditional snack is cheese. One can not disagree with the fact that people, after each toast frantically searching for on the table or Roquefort "Adyghe", will look somewhat strange, if not - is suspicious. Therefore, in addition to cheese, it makes sense to focus on meat dishes (you can - fish), where also a lot of protein. As mentioned, alcohol and its breakdown products just "love to complicate the lives of" nerve cells. To support the activities of the past need carbohydrates. Therefore, your next step at the table - Search for food high in carbohydrates, preferably easy to digest - a birthday cake, cream cakes. Good support will also be sandwiches with butter, caviar or something bold - food lipids form a thin film on the walls of the digestive tract through which the absorption of alcohol decreases. Only now is to wait with a drink of hot drinks (tea, coffee, etc.) - they promptly destroy this same protection. Nice complement "picture" of fruits and berries rich in vitamin C - oranges, lemons, strawberries, currants, etc. Ascorbic acid for many years attracted the attention of researchers as an antioxidant - a substance that protects cells from toxic damage. Following these simple recommendations, can be quite successful "save face" even in a very "hardened" the company. If the production necessitates the importance of preserving not only the "person", but also the clarity of reason, the prophylactic algorithm will look a little harder. In the morning before the banquet can take 4 pills CARS (legalon, silibinin, silibora, etc.). Vegetable hepatoprotector, part of the drug would "protect" your liver and to cope with excessive amounts of alcohol. At the same time it should take multivitamin capsule of the drug - not hurt, and 30 drops of tincture of adaptogenic plants (ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Rhodiola, etc.). True, you must be sure that this drug will not contraindicated. For 2-5 hours before the alleged "heavy" feast you can drink a small glass of vodka or a bottle of beer - to stimulate the enzymatic system. 30-40 minutes before the green rocket to the top of a feast would be nice to eat a bowl of buckwheat (components of this particular cereals are best adsorbent properties). You can, however, replace the buckwheat in Fig. If you are threatened by participation in the real orgy of drinking, then 15-20 minutes before drinking alcohol can be ingested 4 tablets of activated charcoal. In the course of this very same orgy - add one hour to two tablets. And, of course, during a party must comply with all the recommendations that were given above. Plus - Reduce the number of smoke breaks, more and move actively (work force the muscle catalase and easy - because a decent portion of ethanol is derived by them in the form of so-called "fume"). After the end of a feast - for the night, as they say - have a cup of jelly or whole milk. After that you can safely wait until morning in his sleep - just sleep here is still better than the back, and on the side. Of course, all these tips are designed for human health ("average" sense), because if you even contraindicated Eleutherococcus Tincture, then whether it is worth a load of alcohol, even in small quantities? I hope that all of the above will enable drinkers to avoid the onset of the very "dew point" in which "precipitated" all alive, but treacherous asphalt has a tendency to expand its plane by 90 degrees and mercilessly beat "stand still" the man in the face. Source: Roman Ivlev, Medical Center at kulichikah Source: Internet publication "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site
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