Vegetarian Diet - One of the most difficult. Drinking only vegetable products is useful only if they satisfy all the needs of the organism. Otherwise, vegetarianism can lead to slow metabolism, overweight, a deficit of iron and vitamin B. So, before going on a vegetarian diet, you need to know the needs of the organism, as a growing teenager and a man of middle age, they are very different. Only to find that at the moment is right for your body, you should proceed to the selection of a suitable type of vegetarian diet. OPTIONS On the basis of a set of allowable foods, vegetarian diets are divided into: strict - is allowed only plant foods - grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, dairy and vegetarian - where the plant is allowed to use in addition to dairy products and milk, milk-egg-vegetarian - augmented as compared with the previous eggs; poluvegetarianskuyu - excludes from the diet of only red meat, while all other products are allowed. But look like the same diet in the annex to the age. Veganism can follow only those who are already over 15 years. Dairy-vegetarian is best suited thirty years. Milk-egg-vegetarian - is optimal for forty years. Poluvegetarianskaya - is recommended for adolescents. Vegetarianism Twenty final development of the body completes the age of thirty. Up to this point people are constantly in need of large quantities of animal protein, minerals, vitamins and ... carbohydrates. Their deficiency leads to an insufficient supply of energy. Hence - lethargy, reluctance to move and, consequently, weight gain. In addition, obey a purely vegetarian diet at a young age can inhibit all metabolic processes that lead to the fullness. Therefore, to preserve in good shape and good health in this period of life is better to prefer poluvegetarianskuyu diet, which falls under the ban only red meat. At the same time to enrich your diet plenty of fish, seafood and poultry. Recommended in youth poluvegetarianskaya diet to avoid many troubles, most likely subject in this age of more stringent diets. In particular, supplying enough vitamin B12, it protects against loosening of the nervous system, excessive excitability, by disruptions in the brain center responsible for feelings of hunger and satiety, a lack of iron. It is very important that poluvegetariansky diet does not reduce the number of enzymes involved in digestion of proteins. After all, in case of shortage of rapidly deteriorating health, the digestive tract start to linger dairy and flour products, causing upset stomach, flatulence and occasional constipation. Thirty Years In this period of life can be difficult to keep the figure: the abundance of cases and concerns leaves little time for regular exercise and adherence to complex, supporting a form of diets. In this situation, vegetarianism can be a convenient way out. Since the development of an organism has been completed, you can safely give up meat and limit the intake of carbohydrates. A sufficient amount of vitamins to provide excellent condition of the skin, and milk and eggs will supply the necessary amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which in the future to protect against osteoporosis. Still we should not forget about the seafood, because they contain iodine supports metabolism at the proper level. In addition, the table must always attend the eggs, the usual low-fat cheese, dishes of lentils, rice, nuts, pasta made from rye flour, milk, yogurt and soy products. YOUTH IN FORTY YEARS, and even much longer you can save two things: the constant movement and observance of a special diet. What upset because of onset of wrinkles, it is better to take care of how to keep fit and well-being. And take care of this age is about what: the emergence of obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Compliance with the vegetarian diet is, in fact, a medicine during the age of complex reconstructions of the body. At the age should pay particular attention to certain kinds of food. Rich soy diet prevents the development of certain types of cancer and allergy. In addition, its daily intake in the range of 20 to 50 grams lowers blood cholesterol levels by 10-15 percent, inhibits the sclerotic changes in vessels and completely provides the body with vitamins B6 and B12. And contained in soy fiber contributes to good working digestive tract. Oats, millet and buckwheat as a source of protein and various mineral elements. Lentils, beans and peas, in addition to protein supply carbohydrates. Milk products and milk are a source of calcium, and fish contain vitamin D, necessary for its digestion. For the regulation of metabolism in the body is also helpful to drink teas from herbs - St. John's wort, lemon balm, chamomile, hibiscus. source: / / Source: Internet publication "MED + info" section of "expert advice" on the site
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