Saturday, 23 July 2011



The term "binge" I put in quotation marks of course because of the subjectivity of the word. In everyday life, the term refers to "not normal" food consumption, energy consumption exceeding the rate of execution of similar work the average person. The following occurs: after the development of our body is over a short period of time we will not arbitrarily decreases in the daily rate of physical exertion. What causes our body into a state of de fitness. Which in turn causes the mode of operation, described by the first postulate. In the blood discharged excess relative to insulin in recalculation to actually do physical work. What causes the penetration into the muscle cells of "unnecessary", with respect to consumption of sugar from the blood. It lowers blood sugar levels, which signals the hypothalamus of the need to restore the average level. A person begins to consume food in such quantity that allows the body to keep the average blood sugar levels with the expectation of "settling" of sugar in muscle cells under the influence of discharge into the blood of excess insulin. That is, the consumption of food goes in your body not to "calculate" calories burned, but only on the change and the level of average blood glucose concentration. Remember this! Further, the composition of muscle cells under the action of the second factor of cell division changes its cellular composition of the cells with a smaller number of insulin receptors. Which in turn displays the hyperinsulinemia in the visible phase, as in other matters, and hyperglycemia. Finally, the last to enter into a fight Diabetes reflex. We start a high-calorie foods, solely for the stimulation of cardiac activity. Those of us who "have acquired" the other reflections of sugar groups to consume these substances, it is primarily about alcohol. Not to mention, and nicotine and caffeine. Extreme manifestations of this process have hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes type II. That's basically it. Hypothesis about the sugar reflection allows us to give a simple explanation of the cases, we must say frankly, overeating, under normal operation of the whole organism. Moreover, with his help we are able to describe any change in the number of obese people. Probably the most important in our theory of what we are doing this purely from the point of view, I repeat once again - the normal functioning of the overwhelming number of great and good "people. This opens up the perspective and gives hope for health for all. Not only the correct figure, but also live a long, long life free from disease and stress. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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