Thursday, 31 March 2011



Technique of exposure to nerve points and finishing them with metal piercing needles, came to us from ancient China. It is not difficult to understand that it is nothing like the use of a certain kind of torture for medicinal purposes. One of the components of a great culture of the ancient society of China has the greatest diversity in the application of physical methods to influence the human body. The essence of acupuncture in the change of electric potential at the injection site, as well as changing the permeability of the nerve fibers by a weak electric currents. The general idea is to apply this method to any impact on the human body - is the management of internal processes through the reduction coming in an organ or body signals from the brain. What would the impact we have not decided to hold a particular nerve bundle, it will always have the following disadvantages. Firstly, the effect is not intended, in other words, ignorance of the subject disease, compensate by trying to "spear" in the truest sense of the word. Secondly, the metal from which it is possible to produce a needle, has a certain electric conductivity, therefore, needles made of different metals will always have discrete values ??of impact. Thirdly, the effects on the nervous system is always limited by time, and always it is an attempt to combat a consequence of "disease" rather than the cause. In other words, an ancient technique, not fundamentally different from methods of "treatment" offered by modern medicine. Regarding the use of acupuncture as a method of regulating the number of fat cells, then we can say one thing - the temporary result. Some time after the completion of the cycle your weight will return to the previous figure. Less of this technique, as indeed, any - increase in insulin levels in the blood for a period of cessation of the use of a particular method of weight reduction, to increase the number of fat cells in proportion to this at this time the level of insulin in the blood. Which is confirmed by statistics, 95% use one or the other method "of modern medicine" returned to its previous weight within 6 months. Ja! From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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