Thursday, 31 March 2011

Pleskachevsky. September 17, 2004 ...

Pleskachevsky. September 17, 2004 ...

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Sale of medical services

For Sale Elite expensive medical services causes difficulties for many participants in this process. Administrators to inform on the price: - fear scare the patient, and that focus his attention on the bottom of the range of prices - information to minimize the cost of using the magic phrase: "At the consultation the doctor will orient you on the cost of treatment" - overcoming anxiety, focus attention on the nature of the problem, not the price of treating patients, in turn, also have difficulty at this stage of interaction with clinic: - hesitate to clarify what is included, whether there were loans - a priori claim that the treatment is "expensive", hoping to protect themselves against unreasonable nakrutok - willingly accept only the lower limit of price range, "forgetting" about the possible increase - consciously choose manipulative strategy of negotiations, hoping to get discounts. "In applying the dentist woman for 45 years. An appointment by phone, call the highway, refined the cost and the ability to immediately begin the procedure. The patient came to the clinic with a suitcase in the early morning. At a consultation with a doctor behaves briskly and willingly makes a complaint, waiting for immediate help. The doctor described in detail the recommended treatment plan and moved on to discuss the cost, calling the amount for 2000 is higher than expected patient. The lady immediately withdrew, became lethargic, not talkative. After a pause, the patient says goodbye to the doctor: "I sign up later, perhaps, I should think," This example - is common. The patient is oriented to the bottom of the price range, the doctor makes the cost higher, while forgetting - to argue their treatment plan, emphasizing the benefits the patient - Explain what is included in the cost of treatment - to tell about the conditions of payment (in stages, the possibility of installments) - Work out the latent opposition patient - answer any concerns and questions. - Mention about the appropriateness and timeliness of treatment. It is possible that after such an open dialogue, the patient would begin proceedings immediately.

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