Monday, 28 March 2011

Diseases associated obesity

Diseases associated obesity

So, obesity, above all, violate the cardiovascular system, and these violations so regular, that is, in fact, no complications, and one of the major manifestations of obesity. It is these violations, which include, for example, dystrophic changes in myocardium, atherosclerotic vascular damage and changes in blood pressure, and revealed in the first place. When expressed in body fat zatrudnyaetstsa work of the heart as a result of excessive accumulation of abdominal fat, which raises the diaphragm and interferes with its movement, reduces respiratory excursion of the chest. With the progression of obesity with increasing body weight, heart covered with armor like fat, the fat is deposited in the connective tissue interlayers infarction, hindering its contractile function. In turn, changes in the myocardium lead to a significant decrease in contractility of the heart muscle. Depending on the degree of increase in body weight in proportion to its increase and the size of the heart. This increase may be 1.5 - 2 times more than the norm. In case of violation of the function of the cardiovascular system in patients with obesity typical complaints include: shortness of breath on exertion, reduced work capacity, short-term pain in the heart, increasing blood pressure. Electrocardiographic evidence of the presence of slow conduction, arrhythmias, abnormalities of the heart electric axis to the left (because of the increased load on the left ventricle). These changes are reversible and significantly decrease with the elimination of obesity. In obesity expressed infringements of function of the respiratory system. Vital capacity can be significantly reduced compared to the norm that depends not only on the boundary changes and compression of the lungs, but also from shortness of breath associated with impaired metabolic processes in the lung tissue. High degree of obesity is accompanied by curvature of the spine due to a displaced center of gravity, high standing diaphragm chest wall deformity and reduce its elasticity. In connection with obesity pulmonary gas exchange is disrupted, weakened ventilation. This leads to insufficient blood supply to lung tissue, lung lesion microorganisms. Obese patients often suffer long-term acute respiratory infections (ARI), influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Treatment with drugs is often ineffective. Abundant food leads to an overload of the gastrointestinal tract and its anatomical changes: increase the size of the small intestine, the absolute weight of which increased by 20 - 40%. All this raises at first increase the digestibility of food, then, on the contrary, its decrease. The function of the gastrointestinal tract differ by more than 55% of obese patients. Found that in 64% of patients experienced higher gastric secretory function and the development of chronic gastritis. With obesity are often marked liver damage. In this case, quite often there is an infringement of synthesis and lipid metabolism, which leads to excessive accumulation of fat in body tissues. At the same time disturbed function biliary system. This leads to the emergence of gallstone disease and inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts (for obesity increased congestion in the gall bladder and liver ducts, contributing to lipid metabolism). All this creates conditions for the formation of stones, which are found in obesity in 30 - 40% of cases. Does not remain intact and blood system. The most dangerous complication - an increase in blood clotting, which leads to the formation of blood clots and circulatory disorders of organs and systems. Increased fatty substances in the blood contributes to atherosclerosis - one of the most prevalent diseases. There is an increased amount of cholesterol and cholesterol in the blood plasma of patients with obesity increases with age (especially after 40 years in women and after age 50 for men). When obesity occurs perenepryazhenie islet apparatus of the pancreas. Insular apparatus of the pancreas in obese people respond much more pronounced release of insulin in the glucose load. studies show that obese patients with diabetes mellitus occurs more than 60% of cases. In obese people with a decrease in body mass during diabetes is becoming more benign. Now firmly established that obesity affect sensitivity to insulin and causes certain disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Very often in patients with obesity, marked dysfunction of the sex glands. In men, impotence is manifested even at a young age. Women have been violations of the menstrual cycle, and even with regular menstrual cycle often is not conception. More than half of surveyed women, obese patients suffer from infertility. Found that the total amount of water in the body obese patients is much higher than normal levels. Disorder of water metabolism is directly dependent on the degree of obesity and disease duration. In obese people, there is a shift of water and electrolyte balance, which consists in an increase in both absolute content of all the water in the body, and the extracellular fluid (especially due to the volume of circulating blood). Metabolic disorders (protein, fat, carbohydrate, salt) lead to the breakdown of the musculoskeletal system. This is manifested in the appearance of pain in the upper and lower extremities, spine. The above data suggest that virtually no authority, no single system that would not suffer with obesity. First and foremost there is a change of fat metabolism in blood and tissues, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis, leading to reduced life expectancy.

Source: HudeeMtut site 

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