From initial design to implementation can take considerable time. Before the technology or medical equipment will enter the market should be conducted many tests and some clinical trials. In this case, funding is required at every stage. Probably the best solution might be to create a "venture" enterprises, but this practice has not yet received wide distribution in Russia. Support from the so-called "business angels" who come to the aid of creative people, too, until the exception rather than the rule. "Business angels" - this is the best type of investors for lone inventors and small businesses. This phrase, borrowed from English, called for people willing to invest in ideas and talent simply because they "liked", often without asking for a detailed business plan. "Angels" - private individuals, and sponsorship of this kind rarely goes beyond one million dollars. However, often it is the chance that needed this new endeavor. For example, one of the "professional Russian Angels, Yuri Tkachenko, created capital to trade medical equipment, and in 2004 invested $ 300 thousand in an unknown company to anyone then" Doctor Berest, specializing in the production of therapeutic preventive products from birch bark. Today the company is worth about 3.5 million dollars and continues to thrive. Thus, the main difficulty in advancing medical innovation is to interest investors in the inventions. To do this, on the one hand, we must raise the prestige of investment in health in general and innovation in particular. On the other, it is important to eliminate "ignorance of the business" of our inventors and teach them to submit their projects to potential investors from the economic point of view. In addition, while not clearly enough established communication between speakers of ideas and capital. In consulting companies often turn the inventors to find a sponsor, and it is very difficult sometimes to convince the author that without proper clearance to the project may remain on paper. Ideas need to translate into the terms and figures translate into a language understandable to a potential partner. In other words, to prepare an investment analysis and feasibility study, prepare a business plan for at least 12 years of age, to calculate the payback and profitability of the project. Most of the Russian consulting companies associated with investment money - these are large diversified companies, without specialization, so they are not all able to competently prepare a project document in such a specific field of medicine. In conclusion, I would like to note that Industry Consulting exists and develops, there are companies that specialize in advising in the field of medical innovation, and hopefully that will soon introduce innovations in the field of medicine will increase.
The role of monitoring in the home to improve medical care
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