Saturday, 26 March 2011

Fundamentals of malic therapy

Fundamentals of malic therapy

About Apples abound in legends, myths, legends and tales because of their excellent culinary virtues and remarkable healing properties. Virtually no disease servants contraindication for use of the apple diet. As part of apples contains most needed for the body of vitamins, carotene, minerals, phosphorus, iron, and up to 15% sugar. Among the most common diseases in the world is anemia, or anemia, which is obtained due to iron deficiency, which most often affects women and children, entailing a violation of their intellectual and physical development. Therefore, the apples in this case are recommended for daily consumption. The presence of iron in the fruit serves as an effective prophylactic against reducing immunity, natural vitamins "B" strengthen the nervous system, promote good metabolism and maintain hemoglobin in the blood at normal levels. Sweet varieties should be used for stomach ulcers and acidity. For people affected by low acidity and spastic colitis preferred sour varieties. Apples, washed thoroughly, preferably with a peel because of the content beneath it in a concentrated form of most minerals and vitamins. Besides them there are pectin in apples can absorb and excrete the excess cholesterol in the blood, improve digestion, and absorb toxic substances and clean vessels. These properties make useful use for an hour before breakfast for two unsweetened apple varieties in hypertension, atherosclerosis, prevention of colon cancer and coronary heart disease. With poor sleep, heart failure and excess weight is recommended to choose a day when consumed up to 2 kg of fruit for 6-7 receptions. Repeat this process preferably not more than 2 times per week. Strengthen the nervous system may be used during the day apple extract, were prepared by slicing an apple into a clean pot, boiling water and bay sedimentation for 2 hours. Lack of iodine in the body can compensate for the eating of seeds, together with three apples a day. Gruel of boiled and crushed apples with periodic overlaying the eyes relieves them from tiredness. Lingering cough persists mixture is prepared in equal parts of grated apples, onions and adding honey. These components must be well and take between meals several times a day for one teaspoon. In rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and spastic colitis need daily before a meal to drink 2 glasses of equal portions of warm fruit compote with the grounds. Unsweetened apple chew useful for rehabilitation of the oral cavity and prevent colds. When intestinal atony and constipation to eat baked apples for lunch and dinner, and every morning on an empty stomach to eat two fruit varieties of green, rubbed on a fine grater. With arthritis, eczema and urolithiasis is recommended to cook powder by drying and grinding the rind of green apple cultivars. Tablespoon of powder is put into a glass, poured boiling water and settles within 30 minutes. To drink half a cup twice a day - in the morning and evening on an empty stomach at bedtime. With varicose veins should be within a few months to drink throughout the day to eat two cups of warm apple compote with the grounds. Preparation compote according to the following recipe: 4 apples in the raw form of sliced, pour 1 liter of water and boil for about 15 minutes, adding sugar to taste. Traditional medicine every day - people the means and methods of treatment of diseases.

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