Without vitamins the body does not function any one system. Many diseases, which at various times suffered greater part of mankind, were caused by vitamin deficiency, but in those days about it knew nothing. Each vitamin has its own characteristics and problems in respect to human exposure. Vitamin A - found in fish, shellfish, apricots, and liver. It provides the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, improve eyesight, improves the body's resistance as a whole. Vitamin B1 - found in rice, vegetables and poultry. It strengthens the nervous system, memory, and improves digestion. Vitamin B2 - found in milk, eggs, broccoli. It strengthens hair, nails, has a positive effect on the state of nerves. Vitamin PP - the bread from the bread, fish, nuts, vegetables, meat, dried mushrooms, regulates blood circulation and cholesterol levels. Vitamin B6 - in whole grains, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, beans. Beneficial effects on the nervous system, liver, blood formation. Pantothenic acid - in the beans, cauliflower, egg yolks, meat, regulates the function of the nervous system and motor function of the intestine. Vitamin B12 - found in meat, cheese, seafood, promotes blood formation and stimulates growth, a positive effect on the state of the central and peripheral nervous system. Folic acid - in savoy cabbage, spinach, green peas, is necessary for growth and normal hematopoiesis. Biotin - in egg yolk, tomatoes, brown rice, soybeans, affects the skin, hair, nails and regulates blood sugar levels. Vitamin C - in the dog rose, sweet peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, good for the immune system, connective tissue, bones, helps heal wounds. Vitamin D - in the liver of fish, caviar, eggs, strengthens bones and teeth. Vitamin E - found in nuts and vegetable oils, protects cells from free radicals that affect sexual function and endocrine glands, and slows down aging. Vitamin K - in spinach, lettuce, squash and cabbage, regulates blood clotting. Increased need for vitamins observed in people in stressful situations, athletes, smokers, women taking oral contraceptives, those who frequently consume alcohol, pregnant women, teenagers and the elderly. All these people should take extra vitamins, as various vitamins.
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