In accordance with current legislation, in particular - Article 54 of The Principles of law ... "[2], professional associations can really only manage one of the previously mentioned elements of the profession - certification of its members. All attempts gosregulyatora (MOH), the de jure "privatize" and this feature using departmental regulations were not successful (Order Minzdravmedproma Russian Federation from 19.12.1994, N 286 "On Approval of the order of admission to the implementation of professional (medical and pharmaceutical) Activity and Order Minzdravmedproma RF from 17.11.1995, N 318 "On the Situation of the qualifying examination for a certificate of specialist" repealed in 2000), but de facto, as we all know, certification is not part of the activities of professional medical associations. In terms of legislative "throwing" and arising from these kinds of conflicts of law would be a natural question: is it possible to build in Russia a model of public health and the role and tasks of the professional medical community in this process? The historical experience of developed countries shows that the model of public health - is an obligatory attribute of most civilized nations. Undertaken by the political leadership of Russia steps to democratize the economic and social development, combating corruption and bribery in government regulators [6], serious intentions to participate in international economic projects (such as the World Trade Organization) allow authors to speak about the inevitability of reform of domestic medicine towards a model of public health. Obviously, this is a matter of time. However, it should be remembered that the formation of the institute self-regulation, and in fact - the reallocation of powers and responsibilities between state and private regulators, will be accompanied by increased requirements for non-state entities regulator - the professional community. And it is quite logical. Society in the face gosregulyatora interesting to know the answers, at least two questions: in whose "hands" to redistribute power and how non-state regulator will be responsible for the execution of these powers to the society and the end user, in particular - to the patient? In other words, that today is a professional medical community of Russia, how it is prepared and structurally and functionally executed by the occupational health worker? Answers to these questions, which are essentially part of our study is not possible to comprehensively addressed in the framework of this article. We can only say with certainty that today's problems of forming a civilized professional medical community is the essence mirroring the problems of our society as a whole.
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