In the same long-term total state control of the Russian mentality and the transition to effective self-regulation, especially in the social sphere, is only possible through the adoption of federal law: either a general or special for a specific industry [12]. Confirmation of this is the successful experience of the introduction of delegated self-regulation in Russia through the adoption of special laws in such areas as advocacy, notary, appraisal activities, bankruptcy, etc. [1, 3, 4]. Today it is no surprise that in Russia the profession (notaries) is not run by the ministry, not the principal attorneys (chief notary) of the country and / or subject of the federation and formed the Bar (Notarial Chamber), ie non-state regulators. Without going further into a discussion about the importance, nature and the desirability of a law on self-regulatory organizations, it is only necessary to note that: 1) under conditions of prolonged total state regulation of the formation of the "top" (ie, by passing a law) model of public health and self-regulation of professional medical practice - in particular, should be regarded as "good prognosis" a sign of maturity of the state in matters of social responsibility for the effective reproduction of public goods (in particular - of health services), and 2) transfer of responsibility for the actual management of occupational health activities in the hands of professional associations should be consider, first of all, not as their benefit, and as the emergence of a real personal responsibility of each member of these professional associations to the patient and society as a whole for the final results of its activities. The current state of progress of administrative reform in the health sector is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and inconsistency. Instead of systematic work on the formation of a Russian model public health community offered programs, which are nothing more than an attempt to "resuscitate" izzhivshuyu and discredited worldwide administrative and public sector management model. Moreover, there is a "prognostically unfavorable" signs of scaling back the reforms, including - and in health. With 01.01.2206g. entered into force amendments to the "Fundamentals of the Legislation to protect the health of citizens" [2], according to which standards of care may be the federal and regional, and approved by the governing bodies of executive power, ie, gosregulyatorom appropriate level. In 2005 Roszdravnadzor taken steps to "regulate" the system of voluntary certification of compliance (to 01.07.2003g. - Accreditation) through a non-profit organizations [7,8]. Presence in the documents of the phrase "... the results of certification ... will be taken into account the territorial authorities Roszdravnadzor in conducting quality control ... and re-licensing" is nothing more than as a signal to market participants of medical services to return to the old "rules of the game": voluntary de jure "system of voluntary certification of compliance" of health organizations will gradually become a mandatory procedure for the de-facto in the licensing process.
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