Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Increasing interest in the model of social ...

Increasing interest in the model of public health in Russia in recent years has been associated primarily with the attempt of the country's administrative reform, whose main goal (on a plan of its "architects") - "correction forms of state intervention in the economy , the rejection of excessive bureaucratic regulation and increase the effectiveness of state authority in those areas where its involvement is absolutely necessary "(5). The main focus of the total elimination of state intervention in the program, the development of self-regulation of economic activity. If adopted in 2001 a package of laws so called "first wave" of bureaucratization ("On state registration of legal persons", "On licensing of certain activities", "On protection of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs in carrying out state control (supervision)") has not made significant innovations in the functioning of the health care industry, then the adoption of laws "second wave" of administrative reform - the actual stage of deregulation of the economy - would provide a legal framework of the transition from administrative-state model to public health in Russia. Of the two most important laws of this stage was passed, only one - the federal law "On technical regulation ", the second - a draft federal law" On self-regulatory organizations "- the third year is not considered by the State Duma (the first reading of the bill was adopted 14.10.2003).. FZ" On technical regulation "of July 1, 2003 brought out from under direct government regulation of the main element of performance professions - professional standards, established the right of professional associations to develop standards and voluntary organizations of their performance, instead of mandatory accreditation of business entities approved a system of voluntary certification of compliance, etc., that is, in fact, define the functions passed to a professional community (non-state regulators), laid the foundation for the formation of delegated self-regulation of professional activities in various fields, including - and in health [9]. Adoption of the Federal Law "On the self-regulatory organizations" would legislate in the Russian Federation, a public health model, in which, as mentioned above, the professional medical community manages the professional activities of its members and the various institutional structures gosregulyatora (Health Ministry, the Federal Service for Supervision of Public Health, etc.) play only a supervisory, control and approval functions. Often, opponents of the introduction of delegated self-regulation in Russia by adopting a special law refer to the fact that none of the western countries do not have similar laws. Indeed, Western self-regulation, including healthcare, was voluntary, but remember that it was formed evolutionarily, and are expressed as experts on the theory regulation, from scratch ».

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