Today one of the most fashionable way to diet - raw food diet. This power system on which any product can be found only in raw form, nothing subjecting to heat treatment. Syroyid himself declared the most famous singers and actors. Among them are Demi Moore, Uma Thurman, Natalie Portman, Sting, etc. This choice is explained by the fact that the raw food diet affects the physical condition and opens up an amazing ability in humans, makes vigorous that both the investigation and successful. Some people declare themselves syroedamy gave up fried and boiled. During the first two months these people unwittingly dropped 5kg. They also do not limit themselves in any quantity, any product range. During this period, feels great. Some of them believe that they have found that the secret of youth. In raw vegetables and fruits really more minerals and nutrients, amino acids and vitamins. During heat treatment, the amount of nutrients is reduced by 2.5 times, but the doctors, everyone, this "diet" can not recommend. Today, vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of pesticides, nitrates and bacteria, which are destroyed only by heat treatment. But Syroyid know how to overcome this problem. Nitrates and pesticides are readily soluble in water, so Syroyid soaked most of the products before the meal in water for 20 minutes, and thus purify it. That's what they do with cereals and peas, which is also eaten raw. In water, the grain swells and becomes soft and can be eaten. Syroyid believe that thermally processed food is unnatural, because the person is a representative of the animal world. If animals do not cook their food over a fire, then we should not roast and boiled. The very purpose - to eat the living cell, living food, the kind that has created its very nature. Syroyid believe that people, when I began to fry and steam food, gone with the natural development path, and stood on the path of degradation. Cooking food over a fire, we cease to be a part of nature. Since that time, when people began to cook, it ferments over time has also changed. And now, as the doctors say, the person to cope with raw food is much more difficult. Our digestive system needs a balanced diet, it is not capable of a long period of time to deal with the digestion of raw food. There must be a balance. Therefore, if there is only damp, you can really lose weight, because most products will not be digested. To stay healthy, the diet should always be at least 60% raw foods, but suddenly abandon thermally processed foods do not.
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