Monday, 11 April 2011

Aerobics, fitness, shaping, jogging, 10 000 steps, etc.

Aerobics, fitness, shaping, jogging, 10 000 steps, etc.

Another way to circle around a finger or get lost in broad daylight. Recommendations to increase the daily average load, lie in the following error. We show the absurdity of this logic. Man "a little" moves "a lot" is eating for this reason, its weight "cherezmeren. That is the central tenet of medical charlatans. Diet as a method based on that would be excluded from causality (imaginary) "excessive" consumption of products. A whole industry aerofitnosheypinga based on the exclusion of "causality" little "move. From the standpoint of the dialectic of what I hope that I am, the phrase "Man" few "moves" a lot "is eating for this reason, its weight" cherezmeren "logically absurd. All of the words put in quotes, there is a subjective term - pacifier. The use of such constructions always leads to error. What is the diet and what the dire results of its application you already know. That aerofitnosheyping, also gives scant results, prefer to remain silent. Because the results are not joined to that invested in the head physician of any - movement is life. Start with a program of daily walking on foot length of 10 000 steps. I understand that this recommendation is given to people aged, incapable of long, deep exercise. For older people, such recommendations may say so, it's like giving a glass of strychnine. They are old people are deprived of the main time. Number of daily movements because it is less relative to the healthy young man. Spending their resources on shagistiku anyway as a result we get zero. For the old man is tantamount to disaster. What's really nothing to talk about a young woman. Simply increasing the daily consumption of energy, you only increase its daily consumption and nothing more. It is necessary to go into the kitchen and everything. Blood glucose level is restored. Neither B cells of the pancreas, or muscle tissue did not change its composition, since the conditions of these cells was not changed. That is probably 15 years I have watched as one old lady with a figure of Danae, from a neighboring porch of my house, trying to jog to change its proportions. One can only envy the stability of character. But the result is the same as in the early runs. Its running like a half step, half-jogging. Naturally load on the muscles close to zero. What is there to talk about the stress on the cardiovascular system. This is the second factor of cell division in the muscle. If the load does not increase, respectively, and cells with a large number of insulin receptors in muscle, do not change the cells with a low number and low functionality (change in the coefficients of cell division). Not hard to guess that soon terrible pain in the joints stop a person who is trying to run with this 'extra' weight. A full run is possible only with a little fat (consisting of cells with high function of the absorption of insulin) but not vice versa. Say a few words and of aerobics, fitness, shaping. I myself have never attended such classes. All I could see it extracts lessons shown on TV. That is enough. The leaders of these movements naturally demonstrates excellent body form, calling to follow the same path. Not difficult to understand that such results have been achieved tremendous effort and not those exercises that are demonstrated to the rest of the audience. Anyone who has seen the mass of engaged aerofitnosheypingom can draw a simple conclusion. The load on the body under the action of the proposed exercise is minimal. This is evident in how people breathe. None of them breathing deeply and frequently, on anyone not seen speaking with sweat. On this and the lack of results. Naturally this one may say workout attracts large masses of people in that it shows a very simple and easy exercises with the claimed 100% result. Of course, many people hooked on the bait. In the meantime, if during exercise does not occur increased ventilation, it says only one thing. Very low consumption of oxygen by muscles of the body. Clearly, if there is no work, and insulin levels virtually unchanged. And there is an ensemble of fat and muscle cells do not experience "nuisance." Everything remains in place, burned fraction of carbohydrates, have spent time and money and all for nothing. And yet, simply change the method of training. To achieve any result in terms of training muscles to perform a certain kind of work needs its own unique methodology, for a runner to another gymnast. In order to bring the fatty tissue in a state of maximum functionality, which is naturally accompanied by a decrease in the number of fat cells as a whole, what we need, needs its own approach. By the way, if you think that 'cause fatty tissue to a state of maximum functionality "means to defer more fat, you are deeply mistaken. Adipose tissue has 3 functions, the first home - a decrease of the upper level of insulin in the blood, in the case of its increase above a certain value (what, you define yourself), the second - to save or delay of nutrients in the body, the third - compensation for the fall in blood glucose levels. Why in that order. The simple answer is exactly the time working fat cells. First, absorption of insulin, and then deposited in the depot fat, and if necessary, discharge of nutrients into the bloodstream, rather than a different order. This is the result of evolution. The most important of the three is the absorption of insulin. As you can see the fatty tissue is extremely important organ in the system. If you continue to assume that adipose tissue is protected from low temperatures and production of reserves in the unfavorable period, begin to read the book first. With regard to aerofitnosheypinga not give me your advice. Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether or not to have a slender figure ... excellent health, grace of a panther, shine in their eyes. From the book by Irene Aberle. "Elimination of obesity." St. Petersburg, 2004. Source: HudeeMtut site

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