Monday, 11 April 2011

Immediately I would like to emphasize ...

Immediately I would like to emphasize the interlocutors and readers at three points of principle. 1. Today, there are serious prerequisites for changing the state model of health management in the Russian Federation to the European - the social model. Proof of this is carried out in the country at the initiative of President Vladimir Putin's administrative reform, the essence of which - the transfer of non-core functions of the state regulator (in this case - Minsotszdrav, the administration of health subjects of the federation, etc.) in the hands of a professional medical community, 2 . Administrative reform in the health care needs in a consistent and serious improvement of the law at both the federal and regional level; 3. Understanding the common direction of change management at the state level of the executive branch allows professional medical associations today, that is, within existing legislation and practices, to participate actively in the management of occupational physicians and nurses to interact effectively with health authorities in the regions on issues of medical practice. Bagnenko Sergey Fedorovich, vice president of the Association of medical organizations in St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Pirogov Surgical Society, Corresponding Member of RAMS. In world practice there are two extreme models of health care management: state and public (not to be confused with classifications on the property and means of financing). When the state model, medical officials managed not only to industry-wide issues, and occupational health professionals. With this model, the role of professional medical associations, has been reduced to the possibility of "parsing an interesting clinical case," well, and in the best case - to "participate in the deliberations of public health policy", but do not make decisions and, even more so - not to manage the medical profession. Countries, which existed and / or there is a state control model, a little every year their number is decreasing. Negative aspects of this model are obvious, but it also has so-called "pros". This model of management - a unique and effective way to maintain health and preventive care for people with military and prodiktatorskih modes, as well as in terms of financial and economic failure and / or destruction. For a doctor in such circumstances the "Order" medical officials - the only effective administrative document, and fear of job loss or a network to jail for failure to order - the main motivating factor to continue to provide assistance to patients for a penny salary and with the most severe shortages of medicines, equipment, modern medical technology . With this construction management of private matters of professional activities carried out an official appointed "chiefs of specialty" - the institution of so-called senior specialists.

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