After receiving all of the above documents, print production and opening a bank account (pay attention to the sequence of actions) incorporated and registered professional medical associations in the legal form of "public organization" Russian level may be embarking on a full-fledged work on management professional activities of its members. As part of this article can not comprehensively cover all the nuances, challenges and bottlenecks of the process of establishment and state registration ObOO. If necessary, representatives of the established professional associations may obtain detailed information either directly from the authors of this article, and on the "hot line", a specially designed Russian Medical Society (e-mail: Table № 1. Algorithm of actions for the creation and state registration of professional associations in the legal form of "public organization" Russian level n / n
Ways to optimize your GP surgery
AG Saprykin, MD, Professor T . VI Minkin, Samara State Medical University, AVOP № 1, Samara According to the concept of health and medical science in the Russian Federation, the country is gradually reforming the system of organization of medical care. Change your priorities - the center of gravity is shifting from cure to prevention, with patient care in outpatient (Dmitrieva, TB, 1998, Shevchenko, A., 1999). In these circumstances, general practitioners (GPs) operating in the structure of outpatient, have a major role in primary health care, designed to carry the bulk of prevention efforts, reduce the cost of the treatment process, provide some social benefits. To reduce the economic costs in the territory of the Samara region is widely developed statsionarzameschayuschie technology (day hospital, hospital at home) that will improve the accessibility of patient care, reduce treatment time, improve continuity of care between hospitals and clinics, to expand opportunities for active recovery and optimize treatment dispensary groups of patients , delete the stressor of stay in hospital, reduce the cost of treatment (Boltenko N. et al., 1999). Important area of ??health care reform - the introduction of the institute of general medical practices (AFP). To create a legally independent GP surgery (AVOP) in Russia has been striving to increase the responsibility of medical workers for each patient, the more effective and efficient use of available resources in conditions of insufficient funding (Denisov, I., Ivanov AI, et al. , 1996). GPs received knowledge, change the legal status of the GP give an opportunity to expand the volume of medical care in uzkoprofilnyh directions (ENT diseases, eye diseases, neurology, surgical pathology), including providing assistance to adolescents and children.
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