Sunday, 17 April 2011

Anticholesterol bran

Anticholesterol bran

Dieting developed by specialists of the Moscow Institute of Nutrition, can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and keep it normal. Tells the doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of cardiovascular disease in Moscow Clinic clinical nutrition Alla Pogozheva. In principle, avoid foods high in cholesterol is necessary for all. But this is especially important for women after age 40. At the young age of reliably protect female sex hormones - estrogen, but with the onset of menopause, their functions are weakened. There is a threat of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke. Meanwhile, all these troubles can be avoided. Enough to monitor cholesterol levels and prevent its rise. - What level should be considered normal? - 5,2 mmol / l or 200 mg / dl - an ideal option. If the figures above, this is an occasion to beat the alarm. Consider that you are at risk. - And what then? - Especially to panic, of course, do not, but radically change their lifestyle and habits will fail. Now easily derived cholesterol from the blood of the special preparations - Statins. But the fact that they have a lot of side effects, and carried away by them I would not advise. Resorting to drugs should only be, if not help diet. And she, as practice shows, in strict compliance is capable of giving excellent results. Now developed a special diet for people with elevated cholesterol levels. They are based on the fact that from the diet completely eliminated foods containing cholesterol, and, in contrast, includes products that can remove it from the blood. At the same caloric intake should be reduced. What kinds of products especially "rich" cholesterol, known, probably, all. But do not hurt to remember exactly how it is contained in one or another favorite treat. It is important to compile your menu. Thus, 100 grams of the product have the following amount of cholesterol in milligrams: brains - 2300, egg yolk - 1480, whole egg - 515, kidney - 375, caviar grain - more than 300 liver - 300, Butter - 240, meat and home birds - about 70 fish - 55 Cheese - 90, fat cottage cheese and cream - 75. Of these foods for people with elevated cholesterol levels should be forgotten. Now about those products, which should be in your diet is mandatory. It should be noted that the most actively reduces cholesterol and prevents deposition of fat in the liver of manganese. On his lack of body immediately responds abruptly cholesterol, insomnia, poor appetite. Therefore, the "overlap" on products containing high levels of this mineral: onions, peas, beans, beets, carrots, celery, lettuce, bananas, cloves, ginger. Remember that manganese is not afraid of cooking, but much of it may disappear when soaking and defrosting food. Therefore, frozen vegetables should be cooked no ottaivaya, boil them in their skins or steamed. Often include in a diet of oatmeal porridge - it is also rich in manganese. Suffice it to say that only one dish on the breakfast will provide your body with about half of the daily value of this precious mineral. Do not forget the old friend apples - they contain pectin, which is perfectly copes with cholesterol. BTW now apple pectin sold in pharmacies. Worked well Belgorod pectin powder - it is effective and relatively inexpensive. And besides cholesterol at the same time removes from the body metals and radionuclides. One of the varieties of pectin and contain seaweed - it is also useful to include in the diet, especially those who live in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions. Very good for high cholesterol soy protein. In general, meat products, although they are not contraindicated in full, yet useful to replace from time to time, products made from soy - good now, you can buy them without difficulty. Can be included in the diet of dairy products, but only low-fat - 1-1,5%. We can not say a kind word for bran. They are very rich in magnesium, potassium, fiber. Eat them one by one to two teaspoons a day, adding to soups, cereals, nonfat yogurt and pastries. I can advise the bran, which produces flour mill in Moscow's Sokolniki Park - they are always high quality. As for oil, in food such people is only suitable vegetable. And then in limited quantities - not more than 30 grams a day. Excessive use of vegetable oils can not, because the excess fatty acids may accumulate in cells, oxidized cells and poison the oxidation products. The exception is olive oil - it is less oxidized and can be used in large quantities. By the way, so as olive oil is used in canned goods, as well as recommended procedures for cleaning the liver. A few words on how to use vegetable oil - is also important. Fry foods in any case can not be allowed to put out occasionally, but is still better to boil, and then add the prepared dish "live" oil. BTW The inscription on the labels of some vegetable oils "no cholesterol" is meaningless. The fact that the cholesterol in them and can not be - it is only in foods of animal origin. Based on all of what I said above, and should build your diet. - Can you give a rough menu besholesterinovoy diet, developed at the Institute of Food? - Well proven on a special diet, seven-day period. One day might look like this: Morning: low-fat cottage cheese, coffee with milk, vegetable salad (preferably with the addition of 100 g of seaweed). Lunch (2 hours): apple (100 g). Lunch: veggie soup (polportsii), boiled meat (55-70 g), boiled potatoes (200 g), fruit or juice. Snack: cup of broth hips (includes daily requirement of vitamin C). Dinner: boiled fish (cod, saffron cod, hake), vegetable stew, tea with milk. 2 hours before sleep: a glass of nonfat yogurt. I stress that in strict compliance with the diet can reduce blood cholesterol levels by 15-20%. - If the diet is observed and cholesterol brought to the norm, whether it is possible to give yourself some relief by eating forbidden delicacies? - I do not advise. As practice shows, it inevitably leads to an increase in cholesterol. Unfortunately, this sort of thing that should be monitored for life. And if you're over forty, you are burdened by excess weight and bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle - at least cholesterol on your desk should be the norm for you. No breaks allowed. Take note l barley soup - a good option for those who are watching cholesterol. Pearl barley is rich in minerals, nutritional, and improves bowel. To prepare the soup should be: 350 g potato, 40 g of cereals, 20 g onion 50 g vegetable oil, 650 grams of water, 1-2 bay leaf. l You can cook and a special salad for besholesterinovoy diet. The composition of light and rich in vitamins, snacks included: 150 g carrots, 120 g cauliflower, parsley, 50 grams of vegetable oil, 15 g of vinegar. Carrot rub on a grater, cabbage, boil in salted water and fill with vinegar and oil. Look in your blood. Normal cholesterol levels - 5.2 mg / dL. 200 mg of cholesterol - the perfect option, from 200 to 250 mg - you risk if not now then in the future ill atherosclerosis, from 250 to 300 mg - you have a mild hypercholesterolemia, and more than 300 mg - you are in danger, you have marked hypercholesterolemia . Andrew Sinichkin

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