Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The benefits of vitamins

The benefits of vitamins

Vitamins - biologically active substances necessary for normal functioning of the body. They promote proper metabolism, increase performance, endurance, resistance to infection. They are not synthesized in the body and comes only with food. In contrast, proteins, fats, carbohydrates need for them does not exceed a few thousandths, hundredths of a gram. Vitamins are very unstable and are destroyed during cooking products. Lack of vitamins in the diet can lead to severe disorders in the body, which are currently rare. Often marked by deterioration of the body by certain vitamins (hypovitaminosis). Hypovitaminosis seasonal nature, are observed more often in winter and spring, and for them is characterized by fatigue, decreased work capacity, susceptibility to various colds. Increased need for vitamins occurs when heavy physical exertion, colds organism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis), in women during pregnancy, etc. Vitamins are catalysts (accelerators), the action of enzymes and hormones. For example, B vitamins form an active center of many enzymes and coenzymes. In the absence or deficiency in the diet of certain vitamins having hypovitaminosis. With a lack of vitamin A in the organism is disturbed visual acuity in low light (night blindness), marked dryness of conjunctiva and cornea, the expansion of the skin and mucous membranes of squamous epithelium. In rods and cones retinal inhibited the transformation of the light beam. Under normal conditions, the light rhodopsin contained in the sticks, absorbs light energy and decomposes into aldehyde form of vitamin A (retinol) and protein (opsin). In the dark, with the participation of vitamin A, and opsin rhodopsin is restored, which contributes to the perception of black and white image. When vitamin A deficiency in the body rhodopsin in the dark can not be restored, so black and white image is not perceived. In humans, pure vitamin A comes only from animal products. Much vitamin A is found in liver of fish (cod, redfish, flounder, pollock, halibut), in beef liver. A lot of it in the butter, egg yolk. Provitamin A - carotene found in foods of plant origin. A lot of carotene in carrots, pumpkin, parsley, red pepper, fennel, tomatoes, green onions, apricots, oranges, lemons, peaches, mountain ash, rose hips, apricots, raspberries. Due to the fact that vitamin A is fat soluble, it is much better absorbed with fat. For better absorption in the intestine of vitamin A and carotene is desirable to use vegetable oil or sour cream. Vitamin A is stable to heat, but unstable to oxygen and to the action of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, vegetables containing carotene, should be kept in a dark room, and when cooked grind just before use. The daily physiological need for vitamin A healthy person is 1.5 mg, carotene - 3 mg. Vitamin B1 For hypovitaminosis characterized by lesions of the nervous system, fatigue, the development of paralysis, impairment of gait. Vitamin B1 regulates carbohydrate, fat, water-salt metabolism, the activity of cellular respiration, nervous and cardiovascular systems, digestive organs. Underlying disorders with a deficiency of vitamin B1 are enzymatic changes. Vitamin B1 in the form tialindifosfata is part of enzyme systems, so if there is a deficiency of vitamin B1 enzyme deficiency, violated the combustion of glucose in the body, the formation of proteins. Lack of vitamin B1 leads to the accumulation of pyruvic acid, which irritates the nerve endings contributes to the development of polyneuritis, and other aforementioned changes. Vitamin B1 is found in rye bread, oatmeal, liver, kidney of cattle, ham, in the fruits of legumes, nuts, yeast. The daily need for vitamin B1 - 1.75 mg. Vitamin B2, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactochrome) causes cessation of growth of body hair loss, eye disease with itching and photophobia. Language becomes rough, purplish-red in the corners of your mouth moist cracks appear. Vitamin B2 is part of the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration, the regulation of central nervous system. Vitamin B2 is included in the composition of milk and other dairy products, meat, liver, kidneys, heart, egg yolk, mushrooms, baker's and brewer's yeast. The daily need of human riboflavin is 3 mg. Vitamin B6 Deficiency of this vitamin leads to changes in the nervous system (hyperexcitability, convulsions) and pellagropodobnym skin changes. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal) is part of many enzymes involved in the exchange of amino acids, fatty acids and cholesterol. Pyridoxal is used to improve the regulation of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis. Vitamin B6 is found in wheat, rye, vegetables, meat, fish, milk, bovine liver, egg yolk, yeast. Daily requirement for pyridoxal adult - 2 - 2.5 mg. Vitamin B9 Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is involved in the synthesis of certain amino acids, has a stimulating effect on hematopoiesis, promotes better absorption of vitamin B12. With a lack of folic acid may develop anemia. Most rich in folic acid from foods of animal origin liver and kidneys, and from the plant - greens. The best sources of folic acid are salad greens food. Contained in it, and cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, in many fruits. Vitamin B12 This vitamin is used in the formation of nucleic acids, amino acids (choline). It is necessary for normal hematopoiesis, maturation of erythrocytes, activation of blood coagulation, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats. Hypovitaminosis B12 occurs in diseases of the stomach, intestines. Anemia, which is characterized by a sharp decline in the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood, the appearance in the blood of young, immature forms of erythrocytes. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is found in liver, meat, eggs, fish, yeast, milk (especially sour). Vitamin C in acute lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in food developed scurvy. For scurvy characteristic swelling of the gums, loosening and tooth loss, bleeding in the muscles, skin, joints. If hypovitaminosis C appear cardiac weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, lowered resistance to disease. As a child, delay the process of ossification. Vitamin C is involved in many processes of life, and activates various enzymes and hormones. Ascorbic acid stabilizes the immune system, increases resistance to infections, colds, reduces muscle fatigue and increases efficiency. The loss of vitamin C can occur if improper food handling and prolonged storage of prepared foods. Preservation of vitamin C provides the correct culinary processing of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should not be a long time to leave the air peeled and cut, when cooked they should be laying in the boiling water immediately after cleaning. Frozen vegetables should be lowered into the boiling water, as a slow thaw increases the loss of vitamin C. The vitamin C rich greens, vegetables and fruit (berries rose hips, black chokeberry, black currant, lemon). Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, especially in autumn, onions, cabbage, radishes, parsley. The daily requirement for vitamin C an adult is 70 - 100 mg. Vitamin D deficiency of this vitamin leads to rickets. Initial signs of rickets are changes in the nervous system. The child becomes irritable, often crying, sweating. He has long overgrown with springs, there is a softening of the bones of the skull, ribs, sternum protruding. At the junctions of ribs with rib cartilage appeared rachitic rosary. As a result, the chest is deformed. One consequence of chest wall deformity marked stagnation in the liver and portal vein, which lead to deterioration of intestinal absorption, the development of flatulence, enterocolitis. Increase the size of the stomach. Due to a deficiency of vitamin D intake is broken through the intestinal wall calcium. Reducing the level of calcium in the blood stimulates the parathyroid hormone secretion and enhancement of the gland, which contributes to the destruction of the protein framework of bone and the removal of bone calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and other elements. Bone tissue becomes brittle, and along with rickets in children and in adults arises osteoporosis (bone resorption). Large amounts of vitamin D is concentrated in the liver of marine fish in the butter, milk, egg yolk, fish roe. Rich in vitamin D yeast. As a source of vitamin D fortified cod liver oil is used. Currently selected endogenous (formed in the skin and kidney) form of vitamin D. Activity of endogenous vitamin D increases under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation. The daily need for vitamin D for children is 500 - 1000 IU (international units). Vitamin K When gipotaminoze there bleeding, bleeding in the skin even under the most minor injuries. There is also bleeding into joints, retina, nosebleeds, bleeding gums when chewing solid food, clean your teeth. In infants with hypovitaminosis K notes the development of skin, urinary, lung, umbilical and other hemorrhages. At the same time reduced the content of prothrombin in the blood, increased blood clotting time. Anemia. In children, vitamin deficiencies often lead to death. Vitamin synthesized by bacteria of the colon, so hypovitaminosis K may arise with diarrhea, chronic liver disease, medications that block the synthesis of vitamin K (sulfonamides, salitsilovokisly sodium, aspirin, etc.). Vitamin K is found in green leaf lettuce, spinach, in belokachannoy and cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, berries and mountain ash. The daily need of an adult in vitamin K - 1.2 mg. Vitamin P Vitamin P (bioflavonoids), referred to as vitamin compounds. Vitamin P is a group of biologically active substances (rutin, catechin), has kappilyaroukreplyayuschee effect, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall. P-vitamin deficiencies is usually combined with a lack of ascorbic acid. Are possible fragility of the walls of small vessels, petechial hemorrhages, fatigue. Vitamin P is contained in chokeberry, cherry, black currants, tea, green peas, oranges, lemons, rosehips, peppers, raspberries, strawberries, other fruits and berries. Vitamin PP When a deficiency of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) occurs pellagra (flaky skin). For the disease characterized by dermatitis (skin inflammation), diarrhea, and mental disorders. Hypovitaminosis occurs when single feed corn, polished rice, boiled peas, biscuits and other foods that do not contain tryptophan, which is synthesized from nicotinic acid. With a lack of nicotinic acid disrupted the formation of enzymes that carry out oxidation-reduction reactions and cellular respiration. For a more complete security vitamin PP is set to a sufficient intake of high-grade protein, which contains one of the essential amino acids - tryptophan, necessary for the synthesis of nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid is in yeast, liver, meat, in legumes, buckwheat, potatoes, nuts. The daily need of adult vitamin PP 15-20 mg. Vitamin U Metilmetioninsulfony (vitamin U) has a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous membranes, promotes healing of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Vitamin U is contained in the cabbage, tomatoes, green tea, in the juices of raw vegetables (cabbage) and fruit.

Source: HudeeMtut site http://hudeemtut.ru/ 

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