Inadequate provision of this function, among other things, determines the largest share of the negative attitude of the population and certain social groups to the system of local self-government and its current status. Lack of organizational forms and concrete posts at the Fund's Executive Directorate CBOs can not implement this task in a complex, fully, effectively and efficiently. The experience of the executive management of the fund, Vladimir NMR showed that this function is successfully solved at the level of a specific department to specifically designated functions. Have used different forms and methods of the designated activities. For many years, has successfully implemented the project of a permanent two-month information-analytical agency of the executive directorate of the Vladimir regional fund of compulsory medical insurance, "Proceedings of the MLA fund" on the basis of regional newspapers. Employees of the department ensured contracts with a number of editorial boards of periodicals in the publication of Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Provide information and preparatory work for the placement of executive management of information in the newspapers. Organized presentations on radio and television. Is continually in-depth analysis presented in the media materials on MLA with experience publishing collections of these materials. Introduced into the practice of regularly making available to members of executive management and affiliates fund CBOs information and analytical materials, magazines, manuals, review articles, etc. Employees of the department liaises with the Scientific Research Institute, conducted the statistical, analytical, scientific and methodical work. In this regard the preparation and presentation of the relevant scientific and practical conference materials for speeches and publications, the ongoing supervision in the performance of scientific - research activities under the relevant treaties and so forth by the Executive Director, his deputies, members of the fund with the active participation of experts of the past five years, published in national journals and collections of scientific conferences over 70 scientific articles in the local press about 300 articles. Ensure the representation of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs to 28 scientific conferences territorial, federal and international levels. Unfortunately, the typical position of the organizational structure of the territorial MHI funds such units are not provided. And the current leadership of executive management of the Vladimir regional fund of compulsory medical insurance is not justified to maintain a similar structure, the more so since 2003, the organizational structure of the Vladimir regional fund CBOs say deputies of the local Legislature, and the decision on the number of staff positions of Executive Directorate of Territorial fund CBOs and their distribution by department signs the governor himself, Vladimir region. Beginning in 2003, deputies in the Vladimir region felt that such a structure in the executive management should not be.
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