Profit is not formed and therefore no new health facilities (medical practitioner) who wish to enter into the health system (the market of medical services) or leave the industry [P = ATSmin]. In the integrated form of these three conditions are represented by the following equation: P = MR = MC = ATSmin = LATCmin It should be noted that the level of this balance may be disturbed in the direction of increasing profits is not necessarily the actions of medical institutions (medical practice) due to the reduction of production costs, as well conditioned appropriate patient demand with its capabilities as defined in the solvency of the corresponding segment of the market. A characteristic feature of health (medical) activities for the production and sale of medical services is that the scope of the profitability of this production is not in the external environment within the boundaries of the producer-consumer "and in the internal environment of the enterprise, in amortization of all possible tools and technologies medical services. The implementation of the targets of medical institutions (medical practice) as part of profitability, as one of the entities marketing relationship in the production and consumption of health services, primarily related to resource management, and most of all - the means of production of medical services. Formation and implementation of the strategy of resource at all levels of the technological chain of production and delivery of health services can be characterized with a high degree of medical facility (medical practice), both in terms of profitability and in terms of competitiveness. As is known, the profitability of assets depends on the extent of their use. For the development of modern economy is characterized increasing use of fixed assets, which at a low level of liquidity factor creates an inflexible economy. Thus, the vector of gains in production and consumption of health services for medical institutions (medical practice) in the first place, lies in the reduction of production costs of medical services due to an effective depreciation of fixed assets. Bibliography of Bernard I., Collie J.-L. Sensible economic and financial dictionary. In 2 Vols - T. II: Trans. with fr. - M.: Intern. Relations, 1994. - With. 405. Six destiny IA Competition in health and medicine, "Zh Health Manager, № 12. -2005 Kuleshov AB Competing in the questions and answers: A Textbook. Allowance .- M.: TC Veblen, Univ Prospect, 2004. - With. 26-27.
Competitiveness of medical institutions (medical practice): methodological approaches to assessment and management
(On the development of theoretical foundations and constructing a model of competition in production and consumption of medical services), six destiny IA D. mc., Professor of management Vladimir Branch of Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Competition - the internal combustion engine in a fuel shortage formation conditions of the competitive environment and, consequently, the launch of the mechanisms of competitiveness in the health sector in Russia, is extremely important for health care organizations and health (medical) practices in the modern conditions of formation and the evolutionary transition to new economic (marketing) relationships in the production and consumption of medical services.
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