Sunday, 17 April 2011



HOW TO MAKE 24 - hours of fasting Your 24 - hour fasting should last from dinner to dinner. You thus should refrain from any solid food and fruits, as well as fruit and vegetable juices. Such fasting is known as a complete starvation, conducted only with distilled water. Allowed only one exception in the 24 - hours of fasting. If you wish, add a glass of distilled water, one-third of a teaspoon of honey is one teaspoon of lemon juice. These additives act as solvents, toxic substances and mucus. This is not to "maintain your strength," and that the water was pleasant to the taste and, as already stated, to dissolve the mucus and toxic substances, so they can be easily passed through a natural filter of our body - kidneys. Kidneys are the most important in this day-long fasting, as well as in 36 - hours of fasting and seven - ten-day fasting. That is why during any fasting is very important to drink large quantities of distilled water. It is important to keep the urine after a 24 - hour fast, keep the bottle in a cool place for several weeks. You will see with my own eyes poisons in the form of mucus and crystals, which are the kidneys from the body. After completing a 24 - hour fast, the very first of your food should be salad with fresh vegetables on the basis of grated carrots and chopped cabbage (can use as a seasoning lemon or orange juice). This salad will act in the intestine like a broom. He will work the muscles of gastro - intestinal tract. For the salad should be followed by a dish of boiled vegetables. It can be fresh stewed tomatoes. Stewed tomatoes are not acidifying foods if they eat no white bread. Remember that you should not interrupt the fasting foods such as meat, milk, cheese, butter, fish and nuts and seeds. Your first meal should consist of salad and cooked vegetables. The second meal can be minced or otherwise. HOW TO MAKE A three-day, Seven and TEN Fasting How to conduct a three-day, seven-and ten-day fasting Fasting for three days and more should be done in ideal conditions. You must provide yourself the opportunity to relax at any time when you feel that the toxins leaving your body. During this period, you may feel unimportant and should be able to lie down. In the bed to relax and lie quietly until the poisons are not released from the body. Better not read, do not watch TV, do not listen to the radio and especially not communicate with anyone else. You should go into the bedroom and stay there, in complete peace. This period of discomfort will be held as soon as the poison will go out of your body. Bed rest is vital, since all of your life force must be used for detoxification and internal cleansing. If you want to take a walk outdoors or sunbathing, do it only if you feel strong enough. Do not take a long, sun bathing, because they are exhausting to the nervous system, physical activity, too weary you. Do not do anything that could dissipate your energy. Starving more than sleep, the better. If you can not sleep, just relax. Well at this time completely disconnected from the cases. Do not think about their problems, completely free from unnecessary thoughts. How to end a seven-day starvation during the seven days of fasting your stomach and entire digestive tract squeezed, and when it's time to stop fasting, we must proceed as follows: on the seventh day of fasting, about five o'clock in the evening, remove the peel from four - five medium-sized tomatoes, cut them, throw into boiling water and immediately remove from heat. Cool them seshte when appetite. On the morning of the eighth day, prepare a salad of shredded carrots and cabbage, squeeze about half an orange. After that you can eat a small plate of stewed greens. With this dish you can eat two tostika whole-wheat bread. During the day you can drink as much distilled water as he wants. For lunch you can eat salad of grated carrots, chopped celery and cabbage, flavored with orange juice. For the salad can be followed by two vegetable dishes (cooked) - a young cabbage, pumpkin, carrots or peas. This can take two tostika. Such foods do not contain fat. On the morning of the tenth day you can eat any fresh fruit (bananas, oranges, grapefruits or apple). We can add two tablespoons of wheat germ, sweeten them with honey (no more than one tablespoon). During the day you can eat a salad of grated carrots, cabbage and celery, one hot vegetable dish and one tostik. In the evening you can eat dinner of lettuce, cress - lettuce, tomatoes and two vegetable dishes. How to end a ten-day fasting between seven and ten-starvation is not a big difference. On the tenth day, about five hours eat tomatoes, and then follow that schedule, which is described above. Do not eat more than you want. Remember that you have lived without food for seven to ten days and by that time lost their appetite. What you started, there does not mean additional tidal energy. It takes time, so that the body moved from a detoxification program to program saturation. PRODUCTS FOR A BALANCED DIET Meal like a chain, in which all parts are connected with each other. If one link is weakened, or explode in any - any place, then the whole chain comes into disrepair. In the human diet are 40 prerequisites, and the absence of at least one of them disables half of the necessary parts of the food chain. Long absence of one, especially since several components leads to illness and sometimes death. Insufficient amount of - any one component can lead to infection of those cells and tissues that are most vulnerable. But this does not mean that each meal must contain each component in the required amount, because your body always has some stock. But these reserves will sooner or later have to replenish. Next we will introduce you to foods from which to form your weekly diet. You can limit yourself to one, two or three meals. Fruit - the healthy food fresh and dried fruits can be used by themselves for a meal or as a supplement in a dessert to other products. Apples, apricots (fresh and dried), bananas, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, melon, figs (fresh and dry), grapefruits, honey melon, grapes, lemons, avocados, mangoes, oranges, peaches (fresh and dry), papaya, Pears (fresh and dry), pineapples, persimmons, plums (fresh and dried), plums (fresh and dry), raspberries, strawberries, watermelons. Vegetables - cleaners and protectors from this list, you can choose raw vegetables for salad. For a solid breakfast, preferably one green and one yellow vegetable. You can choose here any two others for cooking. Brussels sprouts Artichoke Cabbage Beans Tomatoes Eggplant Garlic Green beans Kohlrabi sprouted wheat Asparagus Beet Onion - Leek Salad - lettuce

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